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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

eight moneths on the narrow seas, as the Summers
guard for the year 1650
And the House approved of the number of ships
and men, contained in the List to be set out for the
next Summers guard
Ordered by the Parliament,
That it be especially recommended to the Councell
of State to take care that the Summer Fleet be dispatched
to sea with all possible speed, before the Winter
Guard come in.
Ordered & c.
That it be referred to the Councell of State, to consider
of the wrong done to Merchants at Sea, by taking
their ships and goods by other Nations, and to
consider of the former powers to them given, for
granting Letters of Marque, and to present an Act
to the House for a further power to that purpose,
wherein the former is defective, and also to consider
how the Merchants may be further inabled to preserve
their ships and Goods, against such wrongs and injuries
for the future, and they are to report the same to
the House on this day sevennight.
Ordered & c.
That no Timber trees, or any other Trees or wood
be from henceforth cut downe or felled, within the
Forrest to Deane, upon any presence whatsoever, until
this house give further Order.
Order &c.
That all the Iron works within the Forrest of
Deane be from henceforth suppressed and demolished,
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