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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

and that it be referred to the councilmen of State to take care
that the same be effectually done accordingly.
Ordered &c.
That all such Timber Trees, and other Trees within the Forrest
of Deane, which are already cut downe, shall be preserved
for the service of the Commonwealth, and not be disposed of,
but by order from this House, or the councilmen of state.
Ordered &c.
That the power of the Committee of Irish affaires, as to the
cutting downe, selling, or disposing of any Timber trees, or other
Trees or wood, bee from henceforth suspended, and that
the said Committee be enjoyned to recall all Warrants by them
issued for that purpose.
The Bill of Mortality for London this week now past.
Buried within the 97 Parishes within the Walls, 47. Plague, 0.
Buried in the 16 Parishes without the Walls 90. Plague, 0.
Buried in the tenne out Parishes 48. Plague 0.
The recall of all the Burials this week. 185.
Whereof of the Plague 0. Executed 1. Head mouldshot 1
Kild by a fall of a board from a Ship at Olaves Sourhwark 1.
Small pox 5. Vomitting 1.
Increased in the Burialls this week 48,
The totall of the Burialls in the 7 out parishes 11. Plague o.
Wednesday 2 January, 1649.
THe Act for subscribing the Engagement was this day read
the third time, and passed, and Ordered to be Printed,
and Published.
A Letter from Bristoll of newes from Ireland.
I Have time onely to tell you, that Collonell Chester came
out of Youghall, who tells this newes, that the Lord Lieutenant
Cromwell is in Youghall, and yet lyes at the Lady Corkes in the
Colledge, he was about Mistris Simmes house to take it to live
in this Winter, yet some thinke he will go to Corke, The Lord
of Broughill hath the Lord Inchequeens house at Corke,
Sir Fiercy Smith is kept a prisoner, and the Bishop of Clorpe.
The siege of Waterford is raised by reason of the wet weather.
Lieutenant Generall Jones is dead, and buried at Youghall.
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