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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

The Lord of Ormond, in a dispute at Councell with the Earle of
Antrim, gave Antrim a box on the care, which hath bred
great distractions among them, Inchequeen is fled to a Castle in
Toomount. Ormond also is retired some whither : It is said the
Lord Inchequeen desires much to come in, and hath sent his
wise to that purpose : It is thought Ormond is on the same designe.
Bristoll 26 Decemb. 1649.
The substance of the Act for subscribing the Ingagement, is as
THat all men whatsoever within the Commonwealth of England,
of the age of eighteen yeares and upwards, shall as is
hereafter in this present Act directed, take and subscribed this Ingagement,
I doe Declare and promise, that I will be true and faithfull to the
Commonwealth of England, as it is now established, without a King
or House of Lords.
And for the due taking and subscribing thereof, And that al
and every person and persons, that now hath, or hereafter shall
have, hold or injoy, any place or office of Trust or Profit, or any
place or imployment of Publick Trust whatsoever, within the
said Commonwealth, or that do receive or take any benefit of
profit by them, or out of any such office or place of trust or imployment,
that hath not formerly taken the said Ingagement,
by vertue of any order or direction of Parliament, shall take
and subscribe the said Ingagement, at, or before the twentieth
day of February, in the yeare 1649. before any two or more
such as the said Lords Commissioners of the great Seal shall
thereunto appoint, or before any two or more Justices of
Peace within any County, City or Towne Corporate respectively,
where such person or persons so subscribing the said Ingagement
do or shall reside or dwell, which said Ingagement, the
said Lords Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, or persons aforesaid
are hereby authorised, To give and administer unto all
and every such person and persons, that hath or hereafter
shall have hold or injoy any place or office of trust of profit, or
any place or imployment of publicke trust whatsoever as aforesaid.
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