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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

And the said Lords Commit of the great Seal of Engl. or such
they shall nominate or appoint, and the said Justices of the Peace
as aforesaid shall aud are hereby required to certifie in writing
under their Hands and Seales the said Ingagement, and the
names of the person abovesaid so taking and subscribing the
same before them respectively, and the time of their taking and
subscribing the same unto the Clerk of the Parl.for the time being.
And that all and every person or persons, which now hath, or
hereafter shall have, hold, or enjoy, any such Office, Place, Employment,
Benefit of Profits as abovesaid, that before the twentyeth
day of February, which shall be in the yeare 1649. shall
not take and subscribe the Ingagement as abovesaid, or that after
the said twentyeth day of February in the yeare, 1649. shall have
hold or enjoy any such office;Place, Imployment, Benefit or Profits
as abovesaid, and shall not take and subscribe the said Ingagement
as abovesaid, before they doe or shall take upon them, or
execute by themselves, or by their Deputies, any such Office, Place
or Employment, as abovesaid, or receive and take such benefit,
and profit as abovesaid, shall forfeit all such Offices, Places Employments
as abovesaid, and are hereby declared to be dis-inabled
to have, hold, or enjoy the same, and to forfeit double the value
of all such Profits, and benefits as they shall receive and take as
abovesaid. The said forfeitures to be levyed by the Committee
of Indempnity, by distresse and saile of the offenders goods respectively,
or by imprisonment of the person so offending as abovesaid,
until the said forfeitures be duly paid and satisfied
which said forfeitures shall be disposed of by the said Committee,
one Moyety to the informer, or persons complaining, the other
moyety to the Treasurers for wounded and maymed Souldiers
and Matiners, in such County City of Towne Corporate,
where such persons so offending, doe or shall reside or dwell, and
the said Committee of Indempnity, are hereby authorized to
heare and determine the same, and to examine upon Oath, and otherwise
to proceed, according as in cases of Delinquent Officers,
they are directed and enjoyned by parliament.
And that all and every person or persons that expect benefit from
the Courts of Justice of this Commonwealth, and that either now, or
hereafter shall be Plantiffe, or Plantiffes, Demandant or Demandants
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