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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

in any Suit, plaint, Bill, Action, Information, Demand, Execution,
or any other Processe whatsoever in any of the Conris of Chancery
the Upper Bench, Common Pleas, Publique Exchequer, Dutchy
Court, or in any Court of Record, or in any other Court in any
County, City, Towne Corporate, or in any place of Priviledge, or
any other place whatsoever, within the Commonwealth of England,
or before any Judge or Judges, or other person or persons that have,
or claime to have Cognizance of any matter or pleas, or before any
Commissioner, under the Great Seale of England, or by any other
lawfull authority, or before any person or persons, as Committees or
Commissioners, or otherwise authorised by Authority of Parliament,
shall take and subscriber, and are hereby required to take and subscribe
the aforesaid Engagement, asin this present Act is directed and
appointed. And that it shal and may be lawfull for all, and every
person and persons that are;or shall be defendants, or sued, impleaded,
& c. or complained against in any such Courts as aforesaid, or before
any the said Judges Commissioner, or person above said by themselves,
or by someothers, on his or their behalfe, from and after the 20
of April, plead, over, or to move in arrest of Judgement, or
to move for a Supersedeas, or stopping further proceedings &c.
And all Justices of the Peace, Commissioner for the Monthly Assesments
in the severall Counties, and all Mayors, Baylesses, and chiefe Officers,
in all Cities and Townes Corporate respectively, or any two of them
may, and are hereby authorized and required from time to time, to take
subscriptions thereunto from all such persons of 18 years of age and
upward, that reside, live, and inhabit within the said Counties, Cities, and
Townes Corporate, and all such Ingagements and subscriptions so taken,
ans subscribed within one moneth after to certifie to the High Sheriffe
of the said County, who is to enter the same in a booke, and the names of
the persons before whom, and the time when, &c. And the said book at the
going out of his office, or oftner, if required, bewis to deliver unto the
Clerk of the Parliament.
Provided, that this Act extend not to any Merchant residing beyond
the Seas, that in the Court of Admiralty, or any other Court, doth or shall
sue for any goods or Merchandize by him imported, &c.
By Letters from Ireland is further certified, that Sir Hardresse
Waller is safely landed there with his recruites from the West
of England, there are also shooes, and stocking sent over for the
Souldiers in Ireland.
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