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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

We have nothing from Jersey, but that they are much distracted
for want of monies and supplies;P.Charles, and the Lords
of his Councell puts off the Souldiers by selling them, that
they shall have monies from P. Rupert, upon the sale of the goods
he hath taken; but they remaine much discontented : That inhabitants
in Jersey are in a great slavery. Plimouth 27 Decem.
There were this day, two Horse Souldiers tryed by a Councel of
was at the Head-quarters, for that after they had taken a months
advance 3l.10s.of thereabouts, and afterwards before they were
shipped, they ran away from their Colors, and so kept the States
monies, and deserted the Service;and being apprehended had this
day their triall, and were found guilty, and sentenced to dye.
By Letters from Scotland, it is certified that the Committee
of Estates seised upon divers scandalous Papers, called the Declaration
of the Marquesse of Montrosse, and some are apprehended
about it, and the papers ordered by the Committee of Estates
to be burnt by the hands of the and it is believed that
some of their estates who had an hand therein, will be sequestred.
A Letter from Excester in the West of England.
MAlignants here (and the Royall Presbyters also) are discontented
at the Ingagement, and much troubled, that
they must be put to signe it, as they heare. And yet I am
confident, that when they see no remedy they will generally
signe it.
And some of them say already, that so long as it is onely to
subscribe to it, and not to sweare, they look upon it not as a
thing of Religion; but a civill action, and that therefore they
may doe it, it being no more but an acknowledgement of that
present power, which they submit to by payment of assessement,
and divers other things, and so I beleeve it will passe currantly
if required amongst us.
We have News come from France, that the Burdeux Forces
have againe falne on a party of the Duke of Espernons Army, and
gained the better of them, divers of the Kings men being slaine,
and some taken prisoners. Here is in these parts a great want of
honest godly Ministers.
Excester 28 December. 1649.
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