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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

By a Letter from Hull thus:
WEE have of late been much imployed about subscriptions
to the New Ingagement, all the Officers and Souldiers
in the Garison have unanimously subscribed it, and so have
sundry other Officers of the Civill power, yet divers of them
refusing, and those of the highest Power, Forme, and Esteeme,
Viz, Mr. John Ramsden, the Deputy Mayor of the Towne for
the time being; Mr. William Styles the Vicar, Mr. Baldwin,
Chiefe Master of the Free Schoole, and Mr. Leonard Bernard,
Governour to the Society of Merchants, and the said Bernard
upon Munday last, being the 16 of this instant December, summoning
a Court of the said Society, to meet at the Merchants
Hall (the of nall place wherein they constantly keepe their
Court) then at their meeting the Question was, Whether the
Assistants, and the Brethren of that Society, could act any thing
under him (he having not subscribed) upon that he deserted the
Court, and desired them to chuse another Governour, for hee
would stand no longer.
But afterwards the said Leonard Bernard came in againe, and
would have acted, but the Society utterly refused him: What
the result here of may amount to (wee hope) Time and the Supreame
Authority will determine, for it such malignant humors
be not purged, and the Vitals nourished, it is to be feared, the
Disease of this Commonwealth will prove incurable.
Hall 21 December 1649.
Sir Balthazar Gerbier, desires the Publique to take notice, that
the Lecture concerning the Art of well Speaking, (Which was
on Wednesday, the second instant, read in his Academy in
White Fryers)shall be repeated on Wednesday next, God willing,
being the ninth instant, at three of the clock in the afternoone,
for the satisfaction of such persons of honour, as could not at
that time have any roome to heare, being they came after the
set houre, others having taken up the roomes for which they
had sent the day before.
It is againe humbly desired, that such persons of Honour who
are pleased to grace the Academy with their presence, would
vouchsafe to send thither before hand, that thereuopn all possible
care may be taken, to keep roome for them, provided, they
be come at three of the clock.
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