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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

There is Printed the first Lecture of the Military Architecture,
of Fortifications, and to be had at Robert Ibbitsons in Smith field.
Thursday 3 Jan. 1649.
BY a Letter from Kingsale in Ireland is certified, that Sir Hardresse
Waller shipped his men on Saturday, and in little more
then forty houres arrived here at Kingsale, comming all the
way in a storm, and and as soone as wee were driven in, that ceased,
and the wind changed quite contrary, he shipped five full Companies
of his owne Regiment, and hee hopes two hundred and
eight recruits, for so many he mustered when he went on Shipboard
Since his late landing having not seen my Lord Lieu.but intending
to march his men to his Lordship tomorrow, suffered him not to
make any further observations, then that the Lord is wonderfully present
with our forces, in what they undertake, and that I doubt not
but the taking of revolted Wogan, and most or all of the Officers of that
party that fel upon our men at the passage wil much facilitate our work
at Duncannon.
Another Letter from Bristoll dated 18 Decem. 1649. The Lord Lieut,
of Ireland hath killed and taken five hundred men, with the Governour
of Duncannon who commanded them to get a Passage, but my Lord sent a
party of Horse who cut them off. It is informed the Governour is hanged,
200 flaine, and 300 prisoners.
There are 3 vessels going off from Bristoll.With 8000 Shutes, Coates,
and Breeches for the Souldiers in Ireland, 8000 Stockings, and 8000
Shoos, and 8000 Shuits, with whom Mr. James Powel Agent for the
Parliament, goes thither;but the wind hath been yet bad, and there are
about 1000 Foot Souldiers, and 7 or 800 Horse to be transported from
Ormond hath received Letters from Charles, son of the late King, to avoid
all engagement with the Parliaments Forces.
Amendments to the Bill touching the ordering, managing, and
letting of the estates of Papists, and Delinquents sequestred,
were this day reported, and the debate adjourned till tomorrow
Ordered, That the committee appointed to consider of the Succession
of Parliaments, and regulating Elections, doe make their Report of their
proceedings therein on Wednesday next, the first businesse, nothing to intervene.
An Act for Authorizing Col Edward Popham, Col.Robert Blake, and Col.
Richard Dean, or any two of them to be Generall and Admirall of the Fleet
was this day passed.
Imprimatur, Henry Scobel.Cler.Parlimenti.

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