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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 2, 9th-16th October 1649 E.575[23]

said John Utting, and that he be imprisoned in the Fleet
for six moneths, and bee from henceforth disabled
from bearing any Office in the Commonwealth.
Wednesday october 10.
REsolved upon the Question, &c.
That the time formerly limitted for bringing
in the money to be doubled upon the credit of
Deans and Chapters lands, shall be inlarged, and have
continuance unto the tenth of December 1649. as well
for all persons who live in London and within twenty
miles distance from the same, as for all others of this
Nation, or Resient therein.
Resolved, &c.
That the severall Judges of the Upper bench, Common
Pleas, and Publique Exchequer, that are or shall
be Members of this House, who have accepted, or shal
accept of the said Places, shall be discharged of their
Attendance in this House, whiles they execute the
said Places.
Thursday 11 October.
AN Act for a day of Publique Thanksgiving to
be observed throughout England and Wales, on
Thursday the first day of November, 1649 together
with a Declaration of the grounds thereof, was
this day passed, and Ordered to be forthwith Printed
and published, and to be sent unto the Ministers of
the severall Parishes in England and Wales, for the
better observation of it.
It was this day Ordered, That the Committee appointed
to consider of a way of regulating Elections,
and their equal distributions, do meet to morrow at two of
the clocke in the afternoone in the Exchequer Chamber,
and so de die in diem, and give an account of their proceedings
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