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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 2, 9th-16th October 1649 E.575[23]

Court, and likewise the Governours and Brethren of the
Trinity house be required to subscribe the said Ingagement.
Ordered, &c.
That Sir Nathaniel Brent doe subscribe the said Ingagement,
and cause the same to be subscribed by all Civilians,
Advocates, Proctors and Agents, that Practise in any of
the Courts of the Civill Law, and all other Officers and
Clerks belonging to the said Courts, before they be admitted
to prcactise.
Ordered, &c.
That the Readers and Benchers of the severall Innes of
Court be required to subscribe the said Ingagement, and to
cause all persons that shall hereafter be called to the Barre
of either of the said Innes of Court to subscribe the said Ingagement
before their call to the Bar be published.
Ordered, &c.
That the Principalls of every of the Innes of Chancery,
be required to subscribe the said Ingagement, and to cause
the same Ingagement to be subscribed by all persons who
are or shall be members of their severall and respective Societies.
Ordered, &c.
That all and every person and persons that now doe, or
shall any time hereafter act as members of any Committee,
or as Commissioners in any of the Counties within England
and Wales. And all other persons acting under or by vertue
of any Act or Ordinance of Parliament, or as Commissioners
in any com. of Sewers or Charitable uses, doe subscribe
the said Ingagement, And that the Councell of
State doe take care that the same be done accordingly.
Ordered, &c.
That all Stewards of Hundred Courts,
Sheriffe Turnes, Courts Leet, and Courts Baron in
the severall Counties, and all Bailiffes and other
Officers of the Said Severall Courts, and all Masters
of Hospitalls, keepers of Goales and Prisons in
London, and in all other Cities, Burroughes and
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