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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 13, 16th-23rd April 1649 E.529[19]

room and place of Sir Francis Pile Baronet (deceased) be admitted into the house.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that it be referred to a Committee
to consider of, examinerall the charges of; and impositions said upon coales and the
grounds of the impositions; and report it to the house.
Earle of Pembroke.
Mr. Nicholas Love.
Sir Henry Vane Senior.
Mr. Humphry Edwards.
Mr. Henry Martin.
Sir Shomas Walsingham.
Sir Arthur Hazlerigg.
Mr. Fenwick.
Commissary Gen. Ireton.
Mr. Garland.
Sir William Massam.
Sir Grigory Norton.
Col. Stapeley.
Mr. Gourden.
Sir Henry Mildmay.
Alderman Pennington.
Lord Grey.
Sir James Harrington.
Mr. James Ash.
Mr. Blakiston
Mr. Luke Hodges.
Mr. Allen.
Mr. Trenchard.
Mr. Oldsworth.
or any five of them; and this Committee have power to send for persons, papers, &c.
And are to meet on Wednesday next at two of the Clock in the afternoon, in the Exc[unr]ner
Chamber. And Alder slain Pennington and Mr. Garland, are to take are
there of.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament.
Some thing also about prevention of engrosing of Corne and Coales, by some to
make it deaie.
Vpon a motion concerning private businesse; the house upon search of the Journall
found the time not to be expired untill Wednesday.
Then the House took into consideration the reports from the Committee concerning
the Petition of the City of Oxford, whereupon the house passed this following
Order, &c.
ORdered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, that the Petitions of the Major
Aldermen, Buyliffs, and Commonalty of the City of Oren be referred to the
Committee for regulating the University of Oxford, with power to that Committees to
call before them such persons as the University [unr] oxford shall appoint on [unr]
behalf; and to heare both them and, the Petitions, and report the same to the
Upon a Motion in the House of Commons made in behalf of Sir George Alt,
(who hath been long a Prisoner in the Tower, about his Malignancy in Essex, in
the former warres) the house referred it to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall,
to treat with him about his Compositions for his Delinquency, and make their Reports
to the House therein.
Tuesday April 17.
This day the Act passed the house for the judging of prizes at Sea by the Admits
By which it is enacted by the Parliament.
1. That the Parliament Ships, and other men of Warre approved by the Authority
of Parliament, or the Councel of State have power to seize every of the
Revolted Ships of such as shall joyne with or assist them, with the Ordinance,
Ammunition, Provisions, Merchandize and Goods therein; with all the Ships and
Vessels of Charles Stuarts, on any of the So[unr] of the late king, or such as he or any
of them, or Prince Rupert shall give Commission to, or be any way as in hostility against
the Parliament, or relieving their Enemies; And the same to be Judges of a
lawfull Priae.
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