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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 13, 16th-23rd April 1649 E.529[19]

1. REsolved upon the question by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That
20000 l. per Annum, be charged upon, and paid out of the Revenue for
the maintenance of Ministers, Schollers, and increase of the maintenance of Masterships,
of the Colledges in both the Universities of this Nation.
2. Resolved, &c. That 18000 l. per Annum, of the 20000 l. be paid for the maintenance
of Ministers, Schollers, and others in England and Wales, in lew of such
Augm ntations, or maintenance as have been by Authority of Parl. setled upon, or
given to the maintenance of them, out of the Lands of the Deanes and Chapters,
untill the summe of 18000!. per Annum, be raised out of the improvement of the
Impropriations belonging to the said Deanes and Chapters, or by such other wayes
or meanes as shall be hereafter appointed, and directed by Authority of Parl.
3. Resolved, &c. That 2000 l. per Annum, of the said 20000 l. be payd for the
increase of the maintenance of the Masterships of Colledges in both the Universities
of this Nation, where maintenance is not sufficient.
4. Resolved, &c. That all the tenths payable into the Exchequer be charged with,
and paid towards the satisfaction of the said 20000 l. And that it that shall not be
sufficient to make up the full summe of 20000 l. that then some other part of the
Revenue be charged to supply the want.
5. Resolved, &c. That an Act be brought in for the vesting, and the setling of the
said Revenues, so as that may be certainly paid for the [unr] purposes aforesaid.
6. Resolved, &c. That these Resolutions shall be the matter of a Bill to be passed,
And that a bill be brought in for that purposes.
Hon. Scobel, Cler. Parl.
ORdered, &c. That Mr. Pury do prepare and bring in a bill according to the former
Vote on Fryday mornings.
Hon. scobel Cleric. Parliaments
1. Resolved, &c. That the summe of 300000 l. shall be borrowed upon the security
of Deanes and Chapters Lands by way of doubling of the like sum due upon
the publique faith, for Monies, Plate, Hor[unr], Armes, and furniture, heretofore sent
or advanced for the service of the Parliament voluntarily, which summe of 300000 l.
together with the like summe of such monies due upon publique faith as aforesaid,
shall be secured out of Deanes and Chapters Lands, to be repayed and satisfyed upon
the sale thereof, together with the debts transferred upon the same security
from the receipts of Excise and Goldsmiths Hall.
2. Resolved, &c. That the Registers accomptment shall accept of no bill of publique
Faith, but such as shall be allowed by the Trustees named in the bill for the
sale of Deanes and Chapters Lands, who are to observe such Orders Directions, and
Instructions, as they shall receive from the Parl. concerning the premices.
3. Resolved, &c. That the 600000 l. charged upon the Excise and other securities
for the Arreares of Souldiers, shall remain charged upon the same securities, untill
he Parl. Shall have fully setled other securities for the same.
4. Resolved, &c. That the summe of 600000 l. heretofore charged upon the Excise,
&c. towards the Arrears of Souldiers together with such further sum as shall
be requesite fully to make good the Arreares due to those for whom that 600000.
was assigned shall be charged for security upon the Parkes and Houses, and upon
the late Mannours, Lands and Farmes, late belonging to the Crown. And that an
Act be form with brought in for the selling of the said Parkes, Houses, Mannours,
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