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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 19, 21st-28th May 1649 E.530[20]

Die Lunx 21.May 1649.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parl. That the Earl of Nottingham shall
have the Arrears of his Pension of five hundred pounds per Annum, from the time
he went into Scotland, and the same Pension, as it shall grown due for the future
out of the old Customes, according to his grant, untill this House take further
The House of Commons (upon debate concerning monies in the hands of Mr.
Henry Ashurst, and Mr. Richard Waddington, that was out of Collections in
charges for the poor and maimed Souldiers, and others in want in Lancashire)
ordered, That what overplus shall remain in their hands, besides for the sick and
lame Souldiers of that brigade, That it shall go to the poor of those parts, that are
in most want.
The House took into consideration the great charges, that the Minister of the Mint
must be at about coyning, in keeping Clerkes and others, and ordered that Dr. Gourdon
shall be allowed 400 l. per Annum.
The House of Commons passed the amendments to the Act for the Tower Hamblets,
and ordered to being ressed, and brought in.
The House of Commons chose a Committee of 20 of their Members, to whom
House passed Instructions, for the Bringing in of an Act for the setling of all Ecclesiasticall
promotions in the gift of the Common-wealth, heretofore belonging to the
Crown, the Datchy of Lancaster, to Bishops, Delinquents &c. And the said Committee
to meet on the morrow, at two a Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speakers
Chamber, and so from time to time as they shall see cause.
Instructions also passed for this Committee to send for Dr. Alit, to confer with
him, about his giving of institutions, and inductions to Ministers.
Letters from Scotland say, that some Souldiers formerly of Marquesse Huntleys
party that were joyned with David Lesley, had a designe for their new King, by Instructions
from Montrosses Agents in Scotland, they laboured to draw in a Lieutenant
of David Lesties own Regiment, who revealed it to Sir John Brown, but kept
correspondency with them, his Servant was pretendedly brought in.
The Marquesse of Argile, and the Lord Burleigh comming to David Leslies house
in St. Johns Town, some designed to murther them that night, & plunder the house.
And when they were met agitating the design, that night a Regiment of David
Leslies Souldiers were drawn out, who surprized them, and seized the chief Actors,
who have since been tryed for their lives, and 3 of them have been shot to death, and
2 more severely punished, others are some kept in prison, and the rest cashired, and
to lose their pay.
There are a party of 1400 defeated by David Lesly, Commanded by Col. Car, and
Col. Straughan, Pluscardy, and Middleton are upon a Treaty. The Parl. Were to fit
at Edenburgh as Wednesday last.
Edenburgh 12. May. 1649.
A Declaration containing the Causes of a Solemn Thanksgiving, to be kept upon Fry.
day the 25 day of this instant.
Within a short time after that we had resolved and concluded thus to declare
and give warning concerning the Insurrection in the North, We received
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