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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 20, 28th May-4th June 1649 E.530[29]

The Trustees Names appointed are.
Sir H. Holcrafe Mr. Henry Danvers Mr. Richard Young
Sir John Thorowgood Mr. John Brown Mr. William Skinner
Mr. Wil. Steele Mr. George Cooper Mr. Nicholas Martin
Mr. John Cooke Mr. Richard Reade Mr. John Pecock
Col. West
A Declaration is to be brought in, which will give satisfaction to all rationall men,
concerning the Parliaments care, for the maintenance of the whole Ministery.
The house of Commons ordered, That the Committee for obstructions in the sale of
Bishops Lands should meete this Afternoon, to consider of Rules for dubling for the
Deanes and Chapters Lands, according to the former Orders of the House, and to make
speedy report thereof to the House.
An Act passed the House of Commons this day, That the Colledges of Winchester and
Eaton shall not be sold by the Act for sale of Deanes and Chapters Lands; And the
House referred it to a Committee, to whom Instructions were given concerning
Reports were made to the house, of the readinesse of the forses (designed) to go for
Ireland, only they desire that the monies and provisions may be fully compleated for
them, and for their advance as was formerly ordered. 3 Regiments of foote being ready
to march, and 36 Troops of horse also ready for that service, with Lieutenant Gen,
The House passed Instructions for advance of the monies, and Provisions as was ordered,
And the Corrie being sent to Dublin, and London-Derry: the rest is to be
speeded, Col. Muncks 2000 l. and other monies all to be completed, which is to
be forthwith, so that it is hoped there will now sodainly be a gallant Army in Ireland,
to reduce it to the obedience of the Parliament.
An additionall Act, concerning Deanes and Chapters Lands,
WHereas the Commons in Parliament assembled, have lately passed an Act, entitaled,
An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled in Parliament, for the
abolishing of Deanes and Chapters, Canons, Prebens, and other Officers and Titles of, or
belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegate Church, or Chappel within England and
They do hereby Declare and Enact, that the said Act neither doth nor shall extend to the
Colledge of Winchester, (called the Colledge of St. Mary in Winchester) nor to the Colledge
of Eaton, nor to any of the Mannors Lands, Tenements, and Heriditaments to them belonging.
And hereof the Trustees named in the said Act, and all others appointed for execution of
the same, are to take notice.
Hen. Scobel, Cler. Parl.
The House referred Mr. Aldworths businesse to the Committee for Indempxity. 500 l.
To be paid him by the Committee of Wilts.
This night the Lord Gen. Came to London, the thanks (from the house) for his carefull
suppressing the Levellers, &c. was sent to his Excellency.
Wednesday May 30.
THis day came letters from Chester, which say that 5 Vessels from Holland are gone
into Dublin Roade with Corne, and 7 designed thither by some Merchants.
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