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The moderate, Number 42, 24th April-1st May 1649 E.552[20]

to be collected; all the Arrears of Fee Farm Rents for three years last
past to be likewise collected. All persons who could not perform payment according
to penalties by reason of the War, to be relieved by the Chancery. An Act of
Explanation, concerning Members to be proceeded against for debt, past. Propositions
for advance of learning referred to the Councell of State. Those not in the
new List for places in the Custom-House to be removed. Arrears of Papists to be
collected. Col. Pophams Arrears referred. Maior withers monies charged on
Haberdashers Hall.
An Act for setsing apart a day of Col. An Fasting and Hamiliation, and repcaling the former
monethly Fast.
WHereas by a Proclamation of the eighth of January, in the 17. year of
the reign of the late King, a general Publike and Solemn Fast was appointed
to be kept and holden, as well by abstinence from food, as by publique
Prayers, hearing of the moneth of Fedruary then next following, and from
on the last Wednesday of the moneth of February then next following, and from
thenceforth to continue, during the troubles in the Kingdom of Ireland; which
was strictly commanded to be observed, upon pain of punishments to be inflicted
upon all such as should contemn, or neglect so religious a work: And whereas several
Ordinances or Orders of Parliament have since been made for the holding
and observing of the said last on the same day.
The Parliament of England finding by sad experience, how much the observation
of the said monethly last hath been for divers years last past, in most places of
this Common-wealth wholly neglected, and in other places where the same hath
been retained, it hath declined by degrees from that Solemnity and due Reverence
wherewith the same was at the first instirution thereof entertained and as is suitable
unto such an Ordinance of Christ, whereby the same hath been much profaned,
the Spirits of those that truly fear God, and desire to worship him in sincerity and
truth, been grieved, the Lord highly dishonoured, and provoked, and much guilt
contiacted, by the taking of Gods Name in vain: And seriously considering how apt
such set times for extraordinary duties of worship are to degencerate into meer formality
and customary observances and that it is more agreeable to the nature of
such extraordinary Worship, and to the approved and successeful Example of the
people of God in Scripture, to set apart special times for such solemn duties, according
to the particular occasions, to the end the same might be observed with greater
care and intention. For the better reforming of which abuses, and prevention thereof
for the future be it Enacted and Ordained, and it is enacted and ordained by this
present Parl and by authority thereof, That the said Proclamation be declared Null
and void; and that all Orders & Ordinances of Parl touching the observation of the
said Fast on the day or dayes aforementioned, be and are hereby repealed and made
void: And that it shall, and may be lawfull for all and every the Courts of Westminster,
and all other Conrrs to sit; and all other person and persons whatsoever,
to follow the works of his or their lawful calling upon those dayes without incuring
any penalty thereby.
And forasmuch as the multiplied sins of this Nation, the contempt of God and
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