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The moderate, Number 54, 17th-24th July 1649 E.565[23]

manifold Distractions within this Commanwealth, and Invasions threated
from abroad, to continue the same, which under God, must be the Instruction
means of preserving he well affected people of this Nation in peace and saferyz
Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any person not being
an Officer, Souldier, or Member of the Army, shall plot, conerive, or endeavor to
stic up any mutiny in the said Army, or withdraw any Souldiers or Officers from
their obedience to their superior Officers, or from the present Government as
aforesaid; or shall procure, invite, aid or assist any Foraigners or Strangers to invade
England or Ireland; or shall adhere to any Forces raised by the Enemies of
the Parliament or Commonwealth or Keepers of the Liberty of England; or if any
person shall counterfeis the Great Seal of England, for the time being used and
appointed by authority of Parliament. Therehen every such Offence and offences
shall be taken, deemed and declared by authority of this Parliament to be High
Treason, and every such persons shall suffer pains of death; and also forse it unto
the Keepers of the Liberty of England, to and for the use of the Commonwealth,
all singular his and their hand, Tenements and Hereditaments, Goods and
Chattels as in case of High Terason hath been used by the Laws and Statutes of
this Land to be forfeit and lest. Provided alwayes, That no persons shall be indicted
and Arraigned for any of the Offences mentioned in this Act, unless such
Offenders shall be Indicted and prosecuted for the same within one year after the
Offence committed. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That if any person shall counterfeit the Money of this Commonwealth, or shall
being any false Money into this Land, counterfeit or other, like to the money of
this Commonwealth knowing the Money to be false, to Merchandize or make
payment, in deceit of the people of this Nation; or if any person shall hereafter
falsly forge and counterfeit any such kinde of Coyne of Gold or Silver, as it not
the Proper Coyn of this Commonwealth, and is or shall be current within this
Nation by consent of the Parliament, or such as shall be by them authorized there
unto; or shall bring from the parts beyond the Seas, into this Commonwealth, or
into any of the Dominions of the same, any such false and counterfeit Coyne of
Money, being currant within the same as is abovesaid, knowing the same Money
to be false and counterfeit, to the intent to utter or make payment with the same
within this Commonwealth, by Merchandize or otherwise; or if any person shall
Impair, Diminish, Falsisie, Clip, wash, Round, or File, Scale or Lighten, for
wicked Lucre or Gains sake any the proper Moneys or Coyns of this Commonwealth,
or the Dominions thereof, or of the Moneys or Coyns of any other
Realm, allowed and suffered to be current within this Commonwealth, or the
Dominions, thereof, That then all and every such Offences above mentioned,
shall be and are her by deemed and adjudged High Treason, and the offenders
therein, their Councellors, Producers, Aiders, and Abetters, being convicted according
to the Laws of this Nation of any of the said Offences, shall be deemed
and adjudged Traytors against this Commonwealth, and shall suffer and have
such pains of Death, and Forfeitures as in case of High Treason is used and Ordained,
Provided alwayes, and be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this
Act touching the Moneyes and Coyns aforesaid, or any thing therein contained,
nor any Attainder of any person for the same, shall in any wife extend or be
judged to make any corruption of Blood to any the Heir or Heirs of any such of
sender, or to make the wise of any such Offender to lose and forfeit her Dower, of
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