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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 2, 7th-14th April 1649 E.550[22]

This day 23 men and one women were executed at Tyburn, that were condemned
at Newgare Sessions; The women was for murdering her maid, by
beating, Punching, and bruising her. 4 of the men were about Mr Le Motts businesse,
of those that robbed him, (3 more were in Newgare, but one had escaped,
one was quit, and the third was reprieved.) the 23 were all very proper
A Letter from the Hague.
THe Scots Commissioners have bad audience of the presented Letters or Papers unto
their declared King, upon the knee, a way counted vidiculous in these parts; they tell
their King be knew Scotlands mind by some sent before, and they desire to treat about
it, but first Montrors must depart, they bewailed the death of bus Father, and envyed
against the causers of it, as yet no Treaty bath been, not answer given, and though
it was decalred, by their declared King, to the States, that he bad a desire to go by France
to Ireland, where he had more friends then in Scotland, and no such conditions would be
required, yet you would find be will not speed hence, but make his abodebere, as the best
center of his affairs, and that some of the States may possibly be advisers, in case his own
Councel, whereof Sir John Culpepper, and the Lord Cottington are chief, be not over
violent to the contrary. Believe it, this States will not proceed beyond a neutralitie,
above board or under, yet will be forward to advance the interest most safe for them.
Arch Duke Leopold before his return from France, sent to the Parisions for money to
pay his Army, which shews, he came in upon that score, they poor men cannot now give to
a foreign enemy without breach of Oath, the Spaniards taking on so many of the disbanded
Germans, as also the French, is a sign they are not Like to accord.
Hague 8 April, 1649.
Thursday, April 12.
The Act for Compositions was this day published; That Compositions allowed
by both Houses be paid before May 6. Those by the House of Commons only
before May 10. Those by the Commissioners only before April 7. A Moyety
by May 6. the rest within six weeks after they shall be allowed by the Commons,
Those after April 7. the first within 14 days, the letter six weeks, And in
any default from what is above to pay a fourth part more, and interest. Those
that compound not for their whole estate within the time limitted to be sequestred
till conform. The Commissioners for the Counceles to make Leafes for such
numbers of years as they shall conceive best advantagious to the Common-wealth,
time not to be above three years, and if they be made to Delinquents
then to be voyd. And the rents and profits of such defaulters to be paid in to
Goldsmiths hall. That all Delinquents shall within 28 days after April 8.
effectually prosecure their Compositions, or their estates be confiseate. Provided,
Articles not forfeited be made good. That Delinquents not compounding dwell nor
in, not put in any into their houses. The Oath to be administred to the Solicitors.
The Committees to be allowed out of the Rents 6d. In the li. Solicitors out of
the payments 3 d. per li. And the Collectors 2 d. per li. The Treasures allowance
as for Compositions. That such as have been ordered to settle maintenance
upon Ministers, to within 8 weeks after April 7. settle the same on Trustees appointed
by the Commissioner. or be re-sequestred till it be done, with the Arrears
paid. And those that shall be ordered to settle any on Minister for the future,
to do it within 8 weeks after the Order. The Commissioners upon the Compounders
paying in the last moyeyt of his Fine, to grant an Order to suspend
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