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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 2, 7th-14th April 1649 E.550[22]

the Sequestrations, and on full satisfaction to discharge the estate for so much
as he hath compounded for. The Barons of the Exchequer to be Commissioners
for Appeals for Sequestration, to be effectually prosecuted within two moneths
after April 7. and for contempt it to be made null.
The Act for disposal of Deans and Chatpers Lands was this day read, and after
a long dispute concerning the Proviso for Ministers, &c. It was recommitted.
The Act for Inventoring of the Kings Goods for sale, was read the first time
and committed, and a Committee chosen to consider of the sale of some of the
late Kings Deer, and disposal of the Parks, and reserving such as shall be needful
for State. M. G. Laugbora was this day sentenced to be shot to death. In the
afternoon the Court proceeded to tryal of Col.Powel, and Capt. Bowen.
The Committee treated with the Common Councel at Guild-hall, as was appointed,
where there was a very good Complyance between the Committee of
Parliament, and the Common Councel, upon loan of money, which they did promise
to furnish upon good security, and not accepting what was then offered,
(viz. the Act for the 6 months assessment,) these are to meet with that Committee
of Parliament to think of other security, which may give full satisfaction;
its thought that Act of Deans and Chapters Lands will be the way of security,
accepted of, and give content, if it can be procured.
From Leverpool, April 6 1649.
The Ships I mentioned in my last are Parliament Vessels for this Coast,
Col. Tothills Regiment will be shipped the next wind, Arms, and all things are
in readiness, our Ministers are calm, and from Ireland come in a Back last day,
and on Officer that come over saith. Owen Roe is joyned with Preston, Ormond,
&c. that they are in a reasonable good Posture yet, it relief come in timely to
Pool, April 6.
Thursday last many honest men of the County of wilts met at Seram, to consult
of safety to these Counties, in case the Army should be otherwise imployed,
they might then be able to defend themselves, and the Country, but they are desirous
of some visible Approbation or Authority from the Councel of State, or
elsewhere, as an encouragement to them in this work, which it is hoped will
not be denyed them by those now at the Helm, if Pulique Safety be minded;
by this means will-sbire, Hamp shire and Dorset-shire will suddenly associate together.
A good President for other Counties to follow.
From Bristol, there is certain Intelligence, That they have discovered three
Braso Peeces of Ordnaoce made up in Fats, which were sent from London, and
directed to the Lord Inchequin in Ireland.
The Court Martial sate several days this week at Whitehall, about the Tryal
of Colonel Poyer, Major General Lougborn, and Colonel Powel. Colonel
Poyer was tried on Tuesday last, and adjudged to dye; And Major General
Lougborn, and Colonel Rice Powel were setenced to be shot to Death on Thursday,
April 12. I shall not mention their Particulars, Charges, and Defences,
with other, Circumstrances of their Tryal , in regard (as I am informed) there
will shortly be a particular Narrative of the weole Proceedings published;
Only, for present satisfaction, I shall set down the two Articles of which they
were all three found guilty; and accordingly condemned; viz. upon the two
first Articles of Duties in general.
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