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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 3, 14th-21st April 1649 E.551[9]

From Lancaster, April, 17. by a Letter thus.
That captain Bambers Troop in Lancaster is argumented to the
number of 220. and that he does dayly lift men, notwithstanding the
Orders of Parliament for their Disbanding.
There was lost, on Saturday last, in or neer Clements Inn, 4 Records
of Nise prius, with Writs annexed thereunto: If any one have
found them, let them bring them unto Thomas Lambert a Stationer
at Thavis Inn-gate in Holborn, and they shall receive a good Reward.
It is observable, That while Everard and Winstanley stood before
the Lord General they stood with their Hatson, and being demanded
the Reason , said, He was but their fellow Creature: Being askt
the meaning of that place, Give honor to whom honor is due. They
seemed to be offended, and said, That their mouths should be stopped
who gave them that offence.
The general Councel of the Army met, and it being resolved,
That they should cast lots for those Regiments that were to go for
Ireland: it was also accordingly done, and the Lots fell upon these
Regiments to go, viz.
Of Foot. Of Horse.
Colonel Ewers. Commissary General Iretons.
Colonel Cooks. Colonel Scroops.
Colonel Deans. Colonel Harloes.
Colonel Hewsons. Major General Lamberts.
Of Dragoons, five Troops, viz.
Major Abbots. Captain Boltars.
Captain Mercers. and
Captain Fulchers. Captain Garlands.
So that probably the Service of Ireland will be speedily carryed on.
Major Gen. Laughorn; Col. Poyer, and Col. Powell are to cast less
for their lives, which will be done Saturday, April 21. two of them
are to be freed, and he upon whom the lot shall fall to dye.
There was a Report of the Queens being in Ireland, as having full
power from the Pope, to demand that Kingdom for him, but its confirmed
she is in Holland.
This day the House passed the Act for Deans and Chapters Lands,
and have, in the passing of it, taken care for the Ministry.
London, Printed by F.M.

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