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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 8, 19th-26th May 1649 E.556[17]

(through the blessing of God)vindicated themselves, ceasenor to prosecute all
those Counsels that Hell can suggest for the re-establishment of it; whose ways
of force the Parliament doubts not but God will enable them to resist, if that
Enemy shall again, after a double conquest, exempt upon the Peace and Liberty
of this Common-wealth. And the better to deter them from these abominable
Villannies of Murder and Assassination, They do hereby Declare, That they
shall not suffer an Act of such inhumanity and hateful impiety to pass, without
a signal mark of their just resentment; but shall therefore esteem themselves
called upon hereby, to bring to due punishment those of the Enemies party,
not being admitted to compound, whose Crimes and Treasons have long since
forfeited their lives to the Justice of the Laws, whom the Parliament might otherwise
have been induced to give pardon unto, had they not seen that party- so Savage-like,
thirsting after blood. And the said Parliament do further Declare,
That if the Enemy shall go on to perpetrate or endeavor any such horrible execrable
Villanies, whereby either life or member of any person faithful to the
interest of the Common-wealth shall be endangered, That they shall, by the exccution
of Justice upon such members of that party (as not being admitted to compound)
are at their mercy, and might otherwise have enjoyed it, as shall
make them find that course to be disadvantage to them.
Hen. Scobel, Cleric. Parliamen.
This day also came Intelligence of the surprisal of the revolted Troops about
Buford in Oxford-shire, they being 12 Troops, were all taken, very sew escaped,
some of the chief of which were immediately condemned to suffer death, viz.
Cornet Tompsun, and Cornet Den, or as some call him Parson Den, and two Corporals,
surcharge and Perkins; these being found guilty upon the Articles of Mutiny,
are thereupon adjudged to dye. Cornet Den being a man of parts, and
one who had been esteemed for piety and honesty, received his sentence with a
great manliness, and fortitude of spirit, yet with so much relenting and acknowledgment
of the just hand of God, the justice of the Sentence, and his submission
thereunto, that he seemed to rejoyce with willingness to suffer under so righteous
a Sentence, and he profested openly, that although his heart could not accuse
him of an evil meaning, yet was convinced of the evil of the action & dangerous
consequences of it, that if they had but continued three or four days longer the
Land had been plunged into misery and ruine, and that the Invasion of the
Scots, and the Insurrections in Wales, and other parts of the Nation last year
was not so hazarnous as this.
The four condemned persons were one after another brought to the place of
execution, in the fight of the rest of the Souldiers, Corner Thompson brother to
him called Captain Thompson, a declared Rebel by the Parliament, was the first
that suffered. He said not much at his death, the man in outward appearance having
little of God in him, only he confessed the Judgment was righteuos, and
that God was offended with his disobedience, where of he was guilty. The two
Corporals (Church and Perkins) dyed, saying very little or nothing before their
death. Cornet De being called out, came with much composure of spirit, expecting
to dye, but the General having commanded the Lieutenant General
Crummel to let him know at the place of Execution, that his Excellency had extended
mercy to him, he soberly and suddenly replayed, I am not worthy of such a
mercy, I am more ashamed to live, then afraid to dye weeping bitterly.
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