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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 8, 19th-26th May 1649 E.556[17]

Thursday, May 24.
This day the House of Commons passed an Act for the adding of several persons
to the Committees for the Assessments for the 90000 per mensem the
The House also passed an Order for an Act to be brought in for Deligates, to
hear and determine the business concerning pended marriage, &c. About Sir
Mathew Minnes deceased, his daughter and heir, some instructions were passed
therein. Some instructions passed, referred to the committee for probate of Wils.
Sonte Desires were this day presented to the House of Commons from the City
of London, concerning some particular Cales of Moneys due by the State,
desired the same to be doubled upon the Deans and Chapters Lands, whereupon
the House passed Instructions for the Committee to bring in their Opinions,
What Cafes(not only for the City of London, but for all persons) shall be admitted
to doubling.
Chster, May 17.
The Ships which carryed over Col. Tutbils Regiment are returned back from
Dublin, they certifie us, That all is well and sate at their coming away, only
Co. yuths Regiment have since their Landing mutinied for want of money,
and some fled to the Enemy, they are not yet to be tuned[unr] with their Arms, we
hear that 16 Sail of out Ships, which were laden with Provision.for the relief
of Dublin, are safely arrived there. Those which are designed for the relief of
London Derby it is fear'd they will come two late, if the report hold true, That
it is taken by the Scottish Forces.
This day it is Ordered; That an Act be brought in for the making some proposition
for poor widows and maimed Souldiers.
The Lord Major of London having received the Order of the House for the
proclaiming the Act against Kingly Government, issued forth this Summons to
the Aldermen of every Ward.
By virtue of an Order of Parliament for proclaiming the Act against the Kingly
Office in the City of London. These are to require you personally to meet and make your
appearance at the Guld, Hall London to mrrow in the [unr] at the house of ten of
the clock precisely, as you will answer the cortray at your peril. Dated 22 of May,
1649. By the Major.
This day, according to the Summons at the place aforesaid, the Lord Major
and 7 Aldermen met, and had some debate upon the Business, some desired a full
Court, and unwilling to engage without the rest of their Brethren, or an Act of
Parliament for authorizing them to do it; these debate, came to no conclusive,
but refereed it till at other day.
Friday May 25. By Letters from Chester 22 May, The 4 ships of corn are come
into Dublin, good comfort and encouragement to that place, and rejoyceth all
honest hearts here, Its now said O mond and Preston do neither accord or unite
but there is division and emulation among them. Owen Roe doth not molest out
Quarters, I hope if ayd come in due time, there will be little fear if the enemies
approaching, Corn is very dear in the enemies quntters, Col. Venubles Regiment
here is alm complete and keep prove a very gallant one.
The house constituted Mythals within the City and Suburbs for approaching
vagabonds, rogues, and all other suspicious persons. The Lick Gen[unr]
expected in London, to father the Irish Expedition, when the Messenger
came from Portsmouth, where the Gen. And L. Gen. Was, the Souldiers were
in boats poing over to the Isle of wight, where there was no resistance then visible,
though reports were otherwise, Printed by J.M.Imprimatur The, Jennings.

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