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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 13, 23rd-30th June 1649 E.562[10]

Branches of it passed. A Petition was presented from Sir Paul Pinder, and
the rest of the old Commissioners for Customs for the securing 300000 l. advanced
for the late King formerly, promising to advance (thereupon)100000 l.
now for present necessity it was laid by. Reports made from Goldsmiths
Hall of Papists never in arms, that whereas two thirds of their Revenue belong
to the State by a former Statute, That such of them as never acted against the
parliament, may be admitted to compound for one third part, and be free as
others; This ordered to be laid aside.
The Intelligence from Scotland, in relation to the Kings answer to their Commissioners,
is as uncertain to us, as unsatisfactory to them; in effect this, he
waves his Auswer, until he hath agreed with his Subjects of Ireland and England,
and for the English he will not treat with them, until he hath a free Parliament;
We have no accompt what Reception this hath in Scotland.
There came this day to the Councel of State the Commander of the Dragon,
by name Captain Young, who gave an accompt of some late good Services, as
blowing up the Antilope, one of the Princes ships, also after two hours fight with
the Hart Frigot taken her, (the last revolted Parliament Ship)taken in her 70
men, the Captain named Collins, the Master of her Pullin, both brought up to the
Councel of State, to peeces taken in her.
This day came, That Col. Jones is in the field in Johnston near the Nasse. Ormond
and Inchiqueen on the Currow near Kildare, only facing each other; Jones
on this side of the River, and Ormond on the other, 17 miles from Dublin.
Wednesday, June 27.
The House passed an Act in relation to an Ordinance that passed 1646 about
the sum of 350 l. of the first 400000 l. upon the Bishops Lands, being paid to
the Lenders by the sale of those Lands, That the same shall be discharged from
the Excize as to the Lenders, but shall stand charged, and paid to the use of the
Commonwealth to such as the Councel of State shall think fit.
The House Considered of days limitted about Compositions by former Acts
and Ordinances, and forgiving until the first of August next.
Further Instructions passed for sale of Deans and Chapters Lands; The
House ordered, That the Acts under Report from the Councel of State should
be proceeded in, and appointed days to hear them; Also Instructions passed for
a Committee to bring in an Act for relief of well affected Tenants, vexed by
Malignant Landlords, (many parliament friends suffer much for want of such
an Act.) Master Attorney General ordered to bring in the general pardon as
large as may be for the benefit of the State and people.
There came this day further accompt of success on the Coasts near Yarmouth
two Corn Ships, taken by the Princes Ships, retaken by Capt. Peacock, and he
hath also taken one of theirs, commanded by one cannon a Malignant Priest,
who hath as a Pirate done much mischief; this Ship had in her 11 guns, besides
well provided with Ammunition, they are all prisoners in Yarmouth, taken in
her; those Coasts are very much perplexed, (and the greatest help to those
parts being a fishing Trade,)is very much of late prejudiced and decayed, and
if care be not taken many will be ruined, whose livelyhood comes in that way.
Col. Jones writes this day to the House, that for security he was retreated, and
being resolved to pursue with resolution and care, hopes for speedy relief, Major
Gulluin hath taken a Shallop in Wales belonging to Sir J. Grenvil.
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