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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 18, 28th July-4th August 1649 E.566[29]

Circuits and Associations do certifie by name to the Commissary General
of the Musters, every Muster, what Officers of any Regiment,
or belonging to any Garrison; they find absent from their command,
and upon what ground; and that the Commissary upon it do make
certificate thereof upon every Muster, withall speed after Receipt
thereof to the Major General, or those who give out Orders at the
Head-quarters in his absence.
7. That by vertue of the Commissions formerly granted for the
Keeping of Courts War in the respective Regiments, each Colonel
or Major take care for the convening the Officers of his Regiment,
as a Court Martial, once every moneth at the least, and examine
what hath been done in the observing and executing the foregoing
Orders, and the Articles of War, and to certifie to the Major General
or Officer issuing out Orders in his absence at the Head-quarters,
what officers were absent then from their commands, and upon
what grounds, as is exprest in the foregoing Article.
That all offences mentioned within these Orders which have not
a particular penalty appointed for them, be punished at the Judgment
of the Regimental Councel of War. Provided, It extend not
to the loss of place of a Commission Officer, not to the taking away
of life or limb from any Whatsoever.
July 30.
The House voted, That the Act for receiving the Accompts of the
Nation, and the committee of the Navy, should be reported to morrow
morning. An Act for regulating the Excise of the Kingdom
took up the debate of the greatest part of the day, at last ordered to be
committed. And D.P. And others, their Propositions ordered to
be received on the behalf of the State. The Act for displacing disaffected
Officers in corporation Towns, ordered to be reported
Thursday next. The Seals of the Dutchy of Lancaster, and the Dutchy
court at Westminster, were delivered this day to the commissioners
of the Seal, according to an Act for that purpose. The Medals at
the councel of State, to preserve the Books and Medals at St. James's
from imbezlement. An Act for altering the Seals of the custom
house, assented unto.
All that we have here is, That yesterday morning Caption Coppin
Commander of the Grown Frigot, brought in a men of war;
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