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A modest narrative of intelligence, Number 18, 28th July-4th August 1649 E.566[29]

for so I may well call him, though be but five Guns and a Murderer,
and his Vessel 120 Tun; He fought five hours, and yeelded not
till three of his men were killed out-right, and fourteen wounded: He
had in all about fifty five men and boys: He consisseth be bath of late
taken ten ships laden with Corn. Coals and Clapboard, and sent them
to ostend; And that be cannot remember bow many be bath pillaged,
but consesseth be did sink one in the sea: He was born at Dunkirk,
most of his men were Flemings, onely five Irish, and two English: his
Commission not from the Prince, but from the Admiral for the considerate
Irish Catholiques: He bath been a Commander at sea for
them these six years: He is the first that hath been taken in these parts
with an Irish Commission: I have no more at present, but that I am,
Your very loving Friend,
J: B.
Tarmouth, this 26.
of July, 1649.
Cardiss July 28.
Upon the coming into these parts, our party sound much welcom by
honest people: being as much gladded, as they have of late been afflicted
at the sad condition of Ireland, and slow relief thither. Reports among
you, which you desired satisfaction in, were not altogether
groundless, (though the latisude too large,)There were some did
draw back from the Service, but not so many as to do any hurt: and
the great dissatisfaction would be would be over, were but money come: Its
probable, were that once come, We should unanimously go, other things
would not binder; and if that come not the sooner, upon notice that its
coming, or any part of it come to us, I perceive an inclination in the
Lord Lieutenant to go over, and expect it there, I hope your Prayers
will be continually directed to God for us a I doubt not of a happy issue
over our and the Commonwealths Enemies: This is the Faith of a
Your assured Friend and Servant, H: S.
Col. Reynolds, Col. Hunks, Col. Moors, and Col. Venables Regiments
shipp'd on Wednesday last for Dublin, and we hope ere this
they are in Dublin.
Since this Letter, there is certain information come, That all the
Forces that went from these several places, Viz. Leverpool, Chester,
Mostin, and Anglesey. are safely landed at Dublin, without the least
opposition by the Enemy: That they in Dublin mustered
8000 effective: That much provisions are cheaper there far, then
with us.
Tuesday, July 31.
Mr Lemman, a Member of the House, chosen by the City of LONDON
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