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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 2, 17th-24th December 1649 E.533[31]

cause of ormations to be made against those he presends to have attempted
upon his person: Many do thinke he is glad of such presence to have some entertained
Guards as the Duke of Orleans, and Cardinall Mazarin have put Guards
upon themselves, upon presence of some designes to be their persons.
The Court at Paris doth strive to compose the business of Bourdeaux whit her
a Declaration was sent fort at purpose upon condition, that the Duke of Espernon
shall rapaire to their Malesties Pariss and that the Bourdeleis shall heild again
the Chastears Trompette, where the King shall put a modeacte Girrison. That
Peace being oncemade; the said Court speakes of publishing a generll Amnisty for
what soever hath been don in this Kingdom, since the carrying away of his Majesty,
last winter.
Wermouth Decemb. 16 Collonell Coxs men do as yet quarter in these parts,
but will in few daies be transported for Gernsey, all things being in a readiness for
that purpose.
Dunster Castle, Decem. 14: Here are severall Recruits to be raised by Colonell
Disborow come to be shipt at Mynehead for the service of Ireland.
Hull Decemb. 14. For news. There me some Pirats on Wednesday last, and
took a Market Boat in Humber.
Scarborough, Decem. 13. Here came about three days ago a Hoy loaded with corn,
being Earley, forced in by extremity of weather, she was taken by a man of war from
or near Blakemeg, and was to go to the Isle of Iarsey, but we have apprehended
sixe men that were abourd of her belonging to the Man of war, who were two
English two Irish, two Dutch, and designd to carry her to Iersey, and have setured
the corn and the Vessell till further order. Yesterday L col. Green lief with a
Company under his command marched into this Castle and the Governours Company
under the command of Captain Acklam marched away.
Plymouth Decemb. 14. Tomorrow Sir Handross waller, and all the five. Companies,
viz. The Colonells, Lientnant Colonells, Captain Snayths, Captain Wilson,
and Captain Hoddens are to be ship for Ireland, and the Recruits which are
about 200.
Barwick, Decemb. 15. Sir, not with standing the late selfures and confiscations
of Corne done by out Brotherhood against their Natives, which they were carrying
to our Market this day sevennight, they are not any way discouraged. but do
supply us still with Barly, but these other Grain, and there shall be no obstacle or
difficulty which may lye in their way make them dayert their purposes such is their
affect on towards this place, yet not to the place, nor to our selves, but for the
gain of our Mony.
There was a flim given out the last week, that there was a great Bugbear come
into Edinburgh Partari[unr] Montes, with what vain s[unr]teries our adverse friends
smooth themselves is obvious to all men that were true we need not fear,
for I hope God will keep up honest hearts for himself, and consequently one to another,
so that either Man not Deyills can do us any prejudies, for this I know wee
have an immutable God, and that he will not would caw himself, nor his Mercies
from us. I have had a relation this day by two Travellers that came from Scotland,
That the Report is there That the Lord Lievrenant hath routed Ormond totally,
in which Conflict the Lord Ares was slain amongst others of hote in an engagement
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