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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 2, 17th-24th December 1649 E.533[31]

in Ireland. There is something in agitation amongst the scots in reference
to England, I gather my conclusion from hence, that the Laird Renton, Lord
of Lxmerton who is Constable of Edinburgh Castle, and Lieutenant to Lestey
sent to his Tenants and Servants to sell all their Corne speedily, and to take ready
Money for it,and not nay upon trust.I have sent you a Copy of the proclamation
A Proclamation for restraining the exporting of Victuall out
of the Kingdom.
THe Committee of Estates taking into their consideration, that the exporting
of Victuall by Sea or Land, is prohibited and discharged by divers Acts of Parliament,
Committee of Estates Secret Counsell and Exchequer, not with standing
where of, great quantities of Victuall of all forts have been this year by-gone,
and are yet dayly carried out of the Kingdom, to the contempt of the Laws,
Impowerishing of the Country, and bringing on dearth and famine; And also considering
the present dearth of Victuall in all places of the Kingdom, and being desirous
our of the trust reposed in them to provide remedies to the evills afore, mentioned:
Do therefore in observance of the former Acts made soe restraining the
Export of Victuall, Command and charge all his Majesties Subjects of whatsoever
guality or degree. That none of them presume to export; nor carry out of this
Kingdom by Sea or Land any Victuall of whatsoever sort, under the paine of confiscation
of the Victuall that shall be exported, and other paines contained in the
Acts of Parliament: And Ordaines these presents to be Printed and published, at
the ordinary places of publication, in the severall Shires within this Kingdom
that none pretend Ignorance hereof,
Tho. Henderson.
Thursday December 20.
THere being some Actors privatly, playing neer St. Johns street, whereof one giving
information to some soldeirs, some Treopers went from the Mewes seized
upon the Players, and took away their Sword and Cloths.
The further Returns of the subscriptions to the Engagement since
December 15. viz.
Colonel Sir William Constables Regiment, and Garrison of Gloucester.
Capt. Nicholas Governour of Chepstow his Company.
Capt. William Botterell Governour of Ludlow Castle, and his Company.
Maj. Hawksworth Governour of Warwick Castle and his Company.
At the generall Councell of the Army at Whitehall,
Col. John Barksteads Regiment, with the Garrisons of Yarmouth
and Harwich.
Col. Brights Regiment of Foot, with Major Andrew Carter governor
of Cliffords Tower his Company.
Of Col. Alban Coxes Regiment five Companies, viz. The Colonels
Leiut. Col. Absields, Major Barbers, Capt. Symonds, and Captaine
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