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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 2, 17th-24th December 1649 E.533[31]

The Fort and Island of Plynoull, Maj. Vplers and Capt. Rich Burshooges
The Garison of Leverpool, Col. Thomas Birch and Capt. William
Duckenfields Companies.
The garison of Holt Castle, Major John Satler Governour.
The garison of Hurst Castle, Col. Thomas Eyres Governour.
Dever December 16
The Letters of Attorney are come safe hither, and most of the Soldiers will a[unr]
point Trustees accordingly.
From France we hear, That the Agrement between the King of France and
those of Burdeaux is not yet perfected, it seemeth in the mean time there is no cessition
of aimes, for there hath been a Sea fight between those of Bordeaux and the
King of Frances Admirall Conte de Oygnod had the worst having 2 ships of good
burthen sunk.
Rye December 15. Corn is very dear in these parts and hard to be got, and its
needfull to have a good Magazine in this place, for now that they appear in Arms
in France, we know not what intention they have towards this Nation, the Garrison
here is in a good condition.
By Passengers who come from Roan in France, we understand, that the Tumule
at. Paris at the beginning of this moneth, had like to have occasioned a generall
insuetrction in the City, and had the Prince of Condi been in his Coach he had received
the shot which happened upon his Page (himselfe not being there) the
Maquess de la Bowlate appeared for those who gave the affront, & is since condemned
to be quarttered, but being sled to Burdeaux, he is our of their reach, there hath
Complements past between the Citizens of Paris and the Court of France in regard
the Citizens did not appeare with the Ryotors in this busines. The humour
will break out again.
Friday, and Saturday, Decem. 21, 22.
At the Generall councell of the Army at Whitehall. December 21, 1649.
THat it be recommended (as the advice of this Councell) and so last
to the severall Regiments, Troopes, and Companies in the Army to
proceed to purchase by Attorneyes in a Regiment all way according
to the Letters sent forth.
Resol. That a select Committee of Officers be appointed to consist of one
Officer out of every Regiment for the regulating and directing the severall
Attourney of the respective Regiments, Troopes and Companies, according
as is expressed in their Letters of Attourney in the managing
of their proceedings, In purchasing the Eands appointed for the security
of the Army, provided. That this consist of nine Officers at least.
Resolved, That the severall Adjustants of Horse and Foot stanisie to
the Regiments, Troopes and Companies respectively from this Councell, that
all and every person in them are at liberty to be purchasers either join[unr]ly
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