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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 294, 12th-19th March 1649 E.527[38]

to a Committee and a Committee apointed to sit at Newcastle to compound
with the new Delinquents in the North, A committee was appointed to consider
of Delinquents compositions how they may be admitted and how relieved
upon complaints.
The House appointed a Committee to examine the state and condition of the
anticipations on Goldsmiths Hall and the Excise, and consider which of them are
fit to be continued and what to be transferred on some other visible security,
and this Committee have power to send to the Commissioners of Excise, and also
the Treasurers of Goldsmiths Hall for the severall Ordinances which by the
several receipts are charged and the Assessements for their information, and to
make their report forth with to the House, and it is ordered in the meane time,
that the payment of all principall monyes out of the said Receipts of Goldsmiths
Hall shal be forborne until the Committee make their report, and this House
give further order except such monyes as are to be Paid for the supply of the Navy
or Army, or for Widdows or maimed Souldiers.
The Arrears of Col. Thorney, a gallant Gent. slain in the service of Lincoln.
Shire last year, ordered to be stated and his Son to have 100 l per annum gratuily,
he wiling to imitate his Fathers gallantry. Ordered that it be referred to ths
Councel of State to consider of the three Castles in Kent, viz Dover Castle, Sandoun,
and Deale Castle,and to take care that they may be repaired as need shall
require and supplyes to be speedily provided for them.
Something was omitted in the close of the last week for want of roome may
be now remembred, viz. Ordered that the present Commissioners of the Excise
be continued to the 14 of June in that imployment and appointed a Committee
to consider of making a better improvement to that great Receipt, and to
calin al that arrears thereof through the Nation.
The house conferred a place of Indicatute and honour upon Mr. Serjeant Brad
shaw (late L. President) in the Counties of Denby, and Monrsomery. The scots
Commissioners began their journey this day towards Scotland and stay at The.
obalds this night, twelve mile from London, having a party of horse to guard
them to Berwick garrison
This day from Poniefract came thus, the last Week you, were acquainted that
we were upon a Treaty with the Castilians, but it took no effect for as soon as the
enemies Commissioners perceived some of their party were to be excepted, and
vered to mercie they would treat no longer. but forthwith broke off and so it
continued to Thursday, in which time some papers, tied to stones, being
thown over their was to put the unexcepted persons, (not yet named) upon a way
to redee[unr] themselves by promising fair terms to them, upon the delivering up
the Castle, with the six excepted persons within 14 daies; those papers have had
a little operation; for on Thursday last Morris, having taken notice of the papers,
sent out, to desire two Gent, might come forth to speak with the Major
Gen. Concerning it, which was granted and yesterday Col. Roger Portington, &c.
Capt. Tho Baulden came to him with a Letter, which meeting hath produced another
Treaty this day, they pretended honour and Conscience will not let them deliver
up any, but I believe, to preserve themselves they will find some way to
give us satisfaction, that we may satisfie the Kingdoms, and all honest mens expectations.
What the issue of this Treatie will be God knowes, but I thinke the
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