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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 294, 12th-19th March 1649 E.527[38]

that Religion out of out Kingdome, still we see all Schools (almost) as well
Universities as others, to abound with disaffected teachers to the utter interruption
of Godiynesse: still we see Lawyers to grow rich by and of the ruiner of poor
men, by bringing to try all things of no values still we see Lords of Mannours
to exact sines according to their own wills upon poor Tennants, urging that unparrallel'd
Oath of Fealty an Homage; and so free born English still made
slaves by the marks of the conquerouts still we see the Commmon Souldiers
many of them, much give to sweat: and all to be disbanded (and so all destroyed)
before a peace setled: stil we see the taxes to continue, and to lye as heavy upon
us, as upon those who were the causers of them.
These with many more, be the Generall disease of our Kingdome, and knowing
no Phisition under heaven to cure them but your Excellency & your Counsell,
and both imploring the now most Honourable court Parliament: Wee
therefore desire ans earnestly request that you would be pleased to present with
your Representative as followeth.
1 That in the first place, and with all expedition none but men of known integrity,
Fidelity, and well affected to the Cause in hand, be put in Offices
throughout the Kingdome as well Martiall as civill [for Marshall] especially all
Commanders by Sea, that under God we may be walled about by honest and
Godly men, all Commanders of Garrisons chiefly those next the Sea &c. As for
the Army we trust God hath done for us beyond expectation, [for civill,] all Sheristes,
Committee especially all Justices of the Peace,and all Constables and all
other offecers whatsoever, and that all may be forced to execute their office upon
pain to be fined or imprisoned, upon complaint of honest men of their neglect
so that none may be sound amongst us to favour sin & ungodlynes. for the main
interruption of our Reformation is ungodly men put in Office, and all fines in this
nature to be for the use of the Well affected poore, that never none which have
born Arms or assisted against the Parliament, or dissaffected to the cause in hand
have any voice in the choise of Parliament men, or of any Officers in the Kingdome,
that so none but honest ans Godly men may be elected &c.
2. That no longer the scandalous ignorane, and Malignant Cleagy may take the
word of God into their mouths, and have to be reformed, but a godly Faithfull
Ministry be placed throughout the Kingdome, as near as possible for the maintenance
whereof we humbly desire and earnestly request that all Rectoryes may be
forthwith restored, Those in the hands of Well affected to be allowed a Reasonable
value out of Bishops Lands &c. and to be sold to the worth or let, and no
longer to continue leased at such an under rate as now they are letter. And those
in the hands of Dissaffected to yeeld them up freely, and that all payments by way
of Tithes be forever exhibited and nuled, and in leiu thereof every Land rated
not exceeding two shilings in the pound, and to pay quarterly, which rate may
be made,(and for ever continue) by 3 or foure, chosen by the Ministers and as
many by the parish, for want of payment a distresse, according to a late Ordinance
for Tithes so that the Minister be no more troubled to gather and next in sure as
before [unr]mes, that where two smal parishes conveniently joyn together to beunder
one Minister, and in great parishes a Curate, that the elder may help to build up
the young and tender. And about 100 l. per annum at least for a Minister. so that
he may be quite taken off from worldly imployment and that it may be Treason
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