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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 10, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[11]

An Act twic read, for constituting a Judge of the Admiralty, and Cinque
Ports. The Question was put for the committing of it, past in the Negative. Another
put concerning such clauses therein to be observed as Laws; and that likewise
resolved in the same manner. An Act reported from the Councell of State, to authorise,
and enable that Councell to grant letters of Marque, and Reprisals, to
such persons as they should think fit, as to certain Cases therein mentioned, assented
The House passed an Act touching Letters of Mart, which for better satisfaction
was as followeth.
WHereas, divers wel-affected people of this Common wealth have sustained great
wrongs, losses and dammages, as well as Sea in their Ships Goods and Merchandizes,
being pillaged, spoiled, surprized and taken by the ships and Subjects of Farraign
Nations, as by divers unlawfull seizures, wrongs and violences, used against both their persons
and goods in Ports and on shore, contrary to Justice, and to the breach of the Law of
Nations: And although Justice hath been sought and prayed according to the forms of States
in Amity, yet restitution or satisfaction could not be obtained, so that the Parliament doth
hold themselves tyed in honour and Justice, to afford the good people of this Common wealth
such assistance for the recovery of their said losses and dammages, as the Laws and Customs of
Nations allow: Be it therefore Enacted and Ordained by this present Parliament, and by authority
of the same, That the Councell of State for the time being, established by Parliament,
shall have full and absolute power, and are hereby authorized and enabled to receive, hear
and examine the Petitions or Complaints of all such persons of this Common wealth, as have
been or shall be so unduly spoiled, pillaged, surprized, wronged and damnified in their Ships,
Goods, Merchandizes or persons, by the ships of any Forraign Nation, or by any Forraigner
or Forraigners, and how and in irbat manner, Justice hath been or shall be therein denyed, or
delayed, and restitution and satisfaction refused or delayed to be made; and thereupon, and
upon consideration, as well of the value of the losses and damages sustained, and of the nature
and circumstances of the cases, as also of the Leagues, Amities and Articles of the Peace, and
upon observation of such due Solemnities, as the said Councell of State shall find meet by the
said Leagues, Articles and Laws of Nations to be observed, to grant and give Warrant for,
and cause to be issued out under the Seal of the Court of Admiralty, in the name of the Keepers
of the Liberty of England by authority of Parliament, spectall and particular Letters of
Marque or Reprisall in all such cases, and to all such persons as the said Councell of State
shall find just and requisite, to be repaired in that course and way of proceeding, by Letters
of Marque, to apprehend, seize and take the Ships, Vessels, Goods and Merchandizes of those
Particular Nations or Countreys that committed the said spoils and abuses, and continued the
wrong, without repairing the same by the usuall way of Justice until such person or persons
shall be fully satisfied for all such wrongs, damages and injuries so by him or them sustanied;
which said Letters of Reprisall, shall issue forth in such manner and form, and under such
Cautions, Limitations and Restrictions, as the said Councell of State shall direct and allow
of, and not otherwise.
They passed an additionall Act also for encouragement of Purchasers of Dean
and Chapters Lands as followeth,
WHereas by an Act of this present Parliament, entituled, An Act of the Commons
of England in Parliament Issembled, for the abolishing of Deans, Deans and
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