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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 10, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[11]

Chapters, Canons Prebends and other Offices and Ticles belonging to any Cathedrall
and Collegiate Church or Chappell within England or Wales. It is among other
things enacted, That the Contractors (in that Act named) shall not sell any of the Lands,
Possessions or Hereditaments of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons
in that Act mentioned, in possession, under 12 yeers purchase; and so in proportion the Reversion
or Reversions of the premises expectant upon Estates for life, lives, or yeers, as in and by
the said Act more at large appeareth. And whereas by the said Act it is further enacted and
ordained, That no person or persons, who hath or have any debt transferred by the said Act
from the Securities or Receipts of the Grand Excise, or the Receipts for the Composition of Delinquents
at Goldsmiths hall, his or their assigne or assignes, being a Purchaser within the
said Act shall have allowance of such debt by the trustees, Register-Accountant or Treasurers
in that Act named in part of the moneys to be payd for the purchase of the premises under the
rate of 15 yeers purchase of Lands in possession, and for Reversions in proportion thereunto,
unlesse such person or persons, his or their assigne or assignes, shall first advance the like sum in
ready money by way of doubling, in such sort as other persons by that Act have liberty to do:
The Parliament of England taking into consideration how expedient it is for this Commonwealth,
that speedy sale be made of the premises, for the present raising of Moneys for and towards
(amongst other things) the speedy transporting the Forces now in readinesse for the reliefe
of Ireland, and thereby easing this Nation of free quarter, and other burdens of those souldiers,
as also for the payment of the debts so transferred, or otherwise fixed upon the premises, by
Act or Order of this present Parliament, have for the encouragement of Purchasers Enacted
and ordained, and be it by Authority of this present Parliament Enacted and Ordained; and
the said Contractors or any five or more of them are hereby authorized and impowered to treat,
contract, and agree with any person or persons, Bodies politique or Corporate, for the sale of the
said premises, or any part thereof for ready money, or upon doubling in possession at ten yeers
purchase and not under, and so in proportion for any Reversion or Reversions of the premises
expectant for any estate for life, lives or yeeres, and not under, according to the Rules and proportions
set down in an Ordinance of the 17 of March 1647 entituled, An Ordinance of
the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for removing obstructions in
the sale of Reversions of Bishops Lands. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, That the Contractors or any five or more of them, are hereby authorized and impowered
to treat, contract, and agree, with any person or persons, Bodies politique or corporate,
their assigne or assignes, whose debts are transferred, or otherwise fixed upon the premises, as
aforesaid, for the sale of the premises or any part thereof in possession, to be paid for by the
debts so transferred or fixed (without doubling as aforesaid) at 13 yeers purchase, and not
under; and so in proportion for any Reversion or Reversions expectant upon Estates for life,
lives, or yeers, and not under, unlesse such person or persons, his or their assigns or assignes,shall
first advance the like sum in ready money, or by way of doubling, in such sort as other persons by
that Act have liberty to do; and the said Trustees, Treasurers, and Register-accountant, and
all other persons in the said Act named imployed, or intrusted in the sale of the premises, are
hereby authorized and enjoyned to allow of the said contracts, and the said Trustees to convey
the premises accordingly, Any Act Ordinance or Law to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding,
And for the better encouragement of such as shall desire to become Purchasers of the
premises, or any part thereof for ready money, or money advanced by way of doubling as aforesaid,
Be it further Enacted and Ordained, That the said Contractors shall not Treat or Contract
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