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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 10, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[11]

amendments, The house debated hereupon, and upon the question recommitted
the same for further amendments; these following are the chiefe heads of the Bill,
for the more speedy and effectuall relief of Creditors.
1. That from the 23 of March, which shall be 1649. All Creditors to whom
just debts are or shall be cut, to have against their Debtors, who shall absent themselves, or demean themselves like Bankrupts, as is [unr]cribed by former Acts, shall
have such relief and advantage for recovery of their Debts, as if such Debtors had
been described to be Bankrupts, by any of the said Acts.
2. That the like remedies limited by the said Act against any Bankrupt, for
Mannors Lands, Offices, Goods, Chattell, &c. to have in their names, or others
in trust to be taken against such Creditors,t eir Mannors Lands, &c. in such Manner
as the same might have been, it the said Debtor so demeaning himself had been declared
Bankrupt by the said Statute.
3. After the whole estate, reall and personall, which any such debtor hath, or shall
have, be divided amongst the Creditors, by Commissioners authorized the canto,
The Commissioners to certifie to the Keepers of the prisons, where such Debtors
are imprisoned : And that to be a good discharge in Law for the prisoners person, and
quit him for the Debts due to those amongst whom the division of this Estate was
made, though it was not enough to satisfie the whole Debts.
4. That if action or suit happen against any Commissioner, orothers authorized
by this act, for executing any thing by authority thereof, The Defendants to plead
not guilty, &c. And plead the authority of the said act, or any of the former acts, &c.
and have double dammages.
1. Provider, That if any person shall be subordinate, or by finister and indirect wayes corrupted
by any wilfull perjury &c. such to be indicted in any Court of Record, and suffer such
penalties &c. as shall be adjudged according to the Act of the fifth of Qwen Elizabeth.
2. Provided, That no deed or Purchase made for a considerable value for moneyes, by Marriages,
&c. to be impeached upon this Act, except it be before same be sealed.
A petition was presented to the house from the Countesse of Exeter, which with
severall other petitions were referred untill next week.
An Act was brought in and read, for the sale of the Goods of the late King, which
passed in the severall branches of it, onely some blanks for names of the Commissioners
not put in, ordered that the blanks be filled up, and the Act again to be brought
into the house.
A Petition was presented with prepositions from Sir Paul Pinder and the rest of
the Old Commissioners for the Customs,about 300000 li. that was sent to the King
before this Parliament sate. That if the use would secure to them that 300000 li.
they will now advance for the Parliament [unr]00000 li. for their present necessity; But
the house after some debate thereupon ordered to lay it aside.
Reports were made from Goldsmiths hall, of Pasists that never were in Arms,
That whereas two thirds of their Revenues belong to the State, by a former Statute,
That such of them as never acted any thing against the Parliament, may be
admitted to compound for one third part of their estates, and to be free as others:
But this after some debate was laid aside.
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