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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 10, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[11]

this day. Our Army being together will be no lesse then 30000 fighting men,
and with them is to go a brave Train of Artillary ; they intend to enter into the
enemies Country, and ere it be long you will hear of some action. We have certain
advice from severall parts, that as yet Gen. Lamboy, is not yet set forward with his
Army, whether it be want of money or any countermand from the Emperor, is not
certainly known; however, he doth remain in his old quarters, till some new Orders:
As for Duke Charles his Army, they are not as yet removed, but upon the
march of the French Army, it is thought there will suddenly be a conjunction of
both their Armies, and that for pure need; for all be drawn together, will onely
serve to encounter the main Army of the French, who have about 10000 between
Dunkirk, Vurns, and Bourborugh, whereby they keep their enemy from being too forward
in the execution of his design.
Milan, June 14. The 30 past, the Queen of Spain came hither from Bresse, where
she is to make her entry with the King of Hungaria her brother, the same to be with
great solemnity, great preparations being made for that purpose. Here is much
dislike at the stern humor of the Duke of Markeda, whose carriage is so losty, and
proud, that every one is discontented at it, who hath had great words with the Duke
de Terraneva, to whose tuition the young Queen was committed; but also with the
Count of Percia, Spanish Ambassador at Venice, who hath done no lesse to our Governour,
who is very much discontented with him.
Prague, the 12. of June. The Emperour is arrived at Vienna, His Majesties ship
that carries Records, being over-loaden, lying without Anchor, is sunk at Presburgh,
wherein were many Acts of the Empire, Bohemia, Austria, and Hungaria: some
Trunks were saved. At Vienna, there is arrived a Venetian Embassdour, who is
going for Poland.
Stettin, the 24 of May. Generall Chimelnisky, gets not only daily Forces from
the Tartors, but a great correspodence with the Turks, the Grand-Duke of Muscovia,
and prince Ragotzi, the Polenian Nobility, and Gentry, speak high, but Chimelnisky
is resolved to try it with them by the Sword: the King of Poland sent an Embassadour
unto Prince Ragotzi, to be a true friend unto the Crown, as his Predecessours
had been; another Dyet is to be kept in Poland, about the present Expedition.
From Breme, the sixt of June. Twenty English ships, fraught with Merchandize,
and conveyed by five men of War, have lately passed by the Sound, bending their
course towards Dantzick, Konigsberg, Riga, and Revel; but the Convoy staid at the
Sound untill the Return of the Merchant-men : Whereof the King of Denmark had
no sooner notice, but the caused five great and well provided ships War, to be sent
unto that Coast, and there attend those English; And in the mean while, Continues
the rigging and furnishing of two and forty more, which will very speedily be in a
readinesse to put to Sea.
Turin, June 13. The French Forces daily increase within Montserrat where they
have committed some disorders; which inforc'd th inhabitants of Oeimiano, to put
on their Arms, to impeach their comming into their Town. But we are about a
Course that will make them observe a better and stricter Di cipline.
Erford, the 1. Of June. Generall Lieut. Conigsmarck, comming from the Bishoprick
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