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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 310, 2nd-9th July 1649 E.531[16]

Generall, Leut. col: Sadler is Adjutant Generall: Other officers as mentioned formerly:
The Contractors for sale of Deans and Chapters Lands sit a Gurney-house in the
Old Jewry weekly, an Tuesdaies and Thursdaies from nine to twelve.
Surveys returned this week of Deans and Chapters Lands, &c. and she like
Account you shall have weekly for the future are as followeth:
Of the late Deant and Chapters of [unr]Pauls possessions surveyed be returned.
Of Tenements in Bucklersbury, Fleetstreet, Fonthurchstreet,
Addlestreet, Michaels Quern, Old Chanse Leonards [unr] little
Eastcheap, and Mildred Poultry, Andrews Wardrobe, Peters Pauls
wharse, Michael crooked lane, Paternoster row, Abchurch lane, Beniets
Pauls wharfe, Barhican, Ivy lane, Goswell street, and Breadstreet
London, and of the Mannor of Bernesse in the County of
of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster,
Comhouse Farme, Hodford wood, and Brachins grove in Hersden in
the County of Middlesex.
Lands in Welden in the county of Middlesex.
Dean and Chapters of Sarum,
Certain houses and parcels of land in Sarume
Deane and Chapter of Exeter,
The dwelling house of D. Peterson in Exeter.
The Mansion house and Demesmes of Marshall in com. Devon.
Deane and Chapter of York
The Mannor and Prebendry of Vlleskelf in the Parish of Kirby
wharf in com. Eber.
Deane and Chapter of Gloucester,
Severall Mesuages and Tenements in Gloucester City.
Windsor Deanrry,
Severall houses, lands, and tenements in new Windsor.
Friday July 6.
ACcording to former order, the Committee of the Army to whom it was formerly
referred to state the accompts of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, What
moneys he received, and what moneys he disburst at his Expedition into Wales, and
Scotland made report of the said accompts, which the house approved of, and his
Lordship ordered to be descharged thereof for the time to come.
Master Whitlocke one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Scale of England,
came this day into the house, and did voluntarily and of his own accord, surrender
the place of Master of the Dutchee which the house had conferred formerly upon
The house hereupon ordered, That they approved of the Lord Commissioner
Whitlocke his surrender of the said; and ordered, the said place of Master of
the Dutchee should be bestowed upon Mr. Hall a [unr]ere friend to the said Commissioner.
And thus M. Prideaux Attorney Generall for the State, should be required
to draw a Pattent for investing the said Mr. Hall in the said place Queene di[unr]
bene gesseris to passe under the Great Seal of England.
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