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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 310, 2nd-9th July 1649 E.531[16]

The house was informed, That one Jone (a clamerous woman) whose husband
was hang'd at Oxford for a spit, & the sometimes imployed in finding out the Presses
of scandalous Pamphlets) had shewed great incivilities to Sir James Harrinton (one
of their Members) as he was this day comming to the house. The house here upon
ordered, That the Marshall Generall should take the said woman into custody, referred
her to the examination of a Justice of Peace, who was ordered to send her to
the house of correction.
As Act was this day brought into the house for the altering of the scale of the
Dutchee, which upon the question was assented unto.
The house then considered how the Scale of the Datchee should be disposed off
and in whose hands it should be kept. The house in favour and honor to the Lord
President (Bradshaw) ordered, that his Lordship should have the custody thereof
untill December next.
The house then seriously debated concerning the speedy conduct of the Army for
Ireland, under the command of the Lord Lieut. Of Ireland, for reliefe of our friends
there in necessity. And hereupon ordered, that Wednesday next should be set a part
for a publique day of humiliation for the City and Suburbs and all places within the
late Lines of Communication to waite upon God for his blessing and good successe
upon the said Army against the Irish Rebels. And that notice be given thereof by
the Lord Major of the City of London to all the Ministers within the said City, who
are required to give notice thereof in all their Churches and Chappells to their severall Congregations.
They likewise ordered, That the Committees of the Militia of the City of Westminster
and the Hamlets of the Tower should be required to give notice to the severall
Ministers within their power, to the end they may give to their Parishioners as
And because this day of humiliation is of so great concernment to the whole
Nation, and all our distressed Brethren of Ireland; the house ordered that Wednesday
come three weekes should be observed strictly, as a day of publique humiliation for
the whole Nation. And that the Sheriffe of the respective Counties do send down
Printed Copies of the Act for this purpose to the severall Towns in each County.
The house then considered of what Ministers should be appointed to preach on
Wednesday next before them, and ordered Mr. Bond, Mr. Stronge, and Mr. Carill
should be the Ministers appointed for that purpose.
The house this day considered of the great abuse of clipping and coyning of Silver,
and the great prejudice that rose to the whole Nation thereby. And having formerly
referred it to the Attorney Generall to bring in an Act, to prevent the abuse
thereof for the future. The said Act was this day reported to make it Treason for
any to clip deface, or diminish the Coyned Silver of this Nation, which upon the
Question was ordered to be committed.
The house was informed of the request of the Lord Joachine Ambassador Extraordinary
for the States Generall of the united Provinces, to have a passe for transportation
of foure horses into Holland. Customs and Impost Free. The house ordered,
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