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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 310, 2nd-9th July 1649 E.531[16]

That their Speaker should grant a passe to his Lordship for the same purpose
as was desired.
This Occastoned the house to take into consideration the great abuse of exportation
of Horses beyond Seas, under pretence for the service of severall Islands, which
the English have great interest in though indeed for the perticuler benefit of some
rich Merchants of London, who of late yeares have got much thereby. The house
to prevent this for the future ordered, that Mr. Attorney Generall should be required
forthwith to draw up an Act for prohibiting the exportation of any more Horses
out of this Nation upon any presence whatsoever, and to report it with all convenient
speed to the house.
The house this day considered of the businesse of articles, and what Conncell
should be appointed on the behalfe of the State in that businesse. They ordered hereupon,
that Mr. Attorney Generall should attend the Commissioners for articles,
and be of Councell for the State.
They likewise Voted, That Mr. Steele, and Mr. Hurst of the Inner Temple, should
be of Councell for the State in this businesse, and attend the Commissioners of
articles concerning the same.
They ordered, That the Commissioners for articles, should fit constantly in the
An Act was read for setling the persons formerly ordered to be Master of the
Mint office, and Master Mynors which was assented unto. A letter was this day
read in the house signed by his Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax recommending
the desires of the grand Jury men, Freeholders, &c. at the late Affizes in Yorkshire
to the Judges of that Circuit, for setling of Courts of Justice within the said
County. After the reading of the Letter for that purpose, the house ordered to
refer the same to the consideration of a Committee, which they chose for that purpose.
The house was informed of the pressing and great necessities of the Durch Officers
residing here in Towne. The house having formerly paid them a certain summe
as to their arrears ordered, that the sum of five hundred pounds should be charged
upon the Committee for advance of money, and forthwith paid to the said Dutch
Officers, which they art to receive as a gift gratis from the house to them, and not
as any thing due upon arrears unto them.
The Committee appointed to treat with the Commoncouncell of the City reported
certain propositions from the Citizens in relation to the advance of
150000 li. Upon the credit of the 400000 li. Bill, upon which the house had some
A Report was made to the house from the committee of the Revenue, about
M. Bland the late Receiver of Yorkshire, and Col. Alured, concerning the said place
of Receiver of Yorkshire.
The house hereupon ordered, that the said place should be sedled upon Col. Alured,
who is to receive the profits thereof as any other before him in the said place
The house ordered that M. Atturney generall should prepare the dranght of a
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