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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 315, 6th-13th August 1649 E.532[15]

Trim Castle in Ireland is now surrendred to the Lord Inchiqueen by the treat
chery of Captaine Martin
An Act passed the house, very fit to be incerted at large for publick use, giving
power to the Committee of Indempnity to transmit the examination of all such
articles or informations, as shall be exhibited to them, against any Malignant or
Delinquent Magistrates, or other ill affected Officers, or Justices of Peace in the
severall Counties.
BE it enacted and ordained, and it is enacted and ordained by the Authority of
this present Parliament, that the Committee of Parliament for indempnity,
or any five or more of them, have power, and are hereby authorized, to transmit
to any two or more justices of the peace, in the respective counties, cities
or corporations of England and Wales, all or any such articles or informations
as shall be exhibited to them against any Malignant or Delinquent Magistrate, or
any officer or officers within the said county, or within any burrough or Towne
corporate therein, according to an ordinance of Parliament in that behalfe made,
bearing date the fourth day of October 1648, which two or more Justices of the
peace are hereby impowred, and required to send for such witnesse or witnesses
as they shall desire, as well against, as on the behalfe of such Delinquents or ill
affected officers, and them upon oath to examine, concerning the truth of all or
any of the said articles; which oath, the said two or more justices of the peace
are hereby likewise authorized to administer, and to returne the same, together
with the said articles of informations to the said Committee of Indempnity, sealed
up, an also if any person or persons, shall be hereafter sued, indicted or molested,
for or concerning any act or thing done by him by authority, or for the
service of the Parliament, or during his or their being in arms for the Parliament,
contrary to the severall Ordinances in that behalfe, that in such case upon
complaint made, and stating the case by petition, to any two or more Justices, the
said Justices, or any two or More of them, shall have power, and are hereby
authorized and required to send for such witnesses (as are desired) as well against,
as on the behalfe of the person and persons complained of, and them
upon oath to examine (which oath the said justices, or any two or more of them
are authorised likewise to administer) and in case they cannot compose the said
difference, then to returne the said severall and respective depositions to taken,
and Petition (sealed up) to the said Committee of indempnity, who are authorized
and required to proceede to give judgment, and make farther preceeding
upon the same, and upon the depositions concerning ill affected officers as aforesaid,
according to the respective powers given them by this or any other Ordinance
of Parliament to that purpose.
An Act also part by the House for feeling the present new commissioners of the
Customes and is as followeth
WHereas by Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, of the 16th. of
December 1647 the payment of a subsidie of taunags and poundage is
is ordained to be paid upon all goods and 'Marchandise, to be exported on 1 of
omiorted into this Commonwealth of England, dominion of Wales and town of
Barwick, in such fort as in the said Ordinance is expressed, the said payments to
continue from the 26 of March 1648 inclusive, unto the 26 day of March, which
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