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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 315, 6th-13th August 1649 E.532[15]

shall be in the yeare of our Lord 1651. inclusive. as by the said Ordinance more
at large appeareth; and where as the Parliament have since, that is to say, upon
the 24 of April now Last past, nominated and appointed Edmond Harvy, Robert
Titchburne, Marke Hildeslye, Daniell Taylor, and Edward Parks of London
Merchants, the present Commissioners collectors of the Customs, it is now enacted
and declared, and be it by authority of Parliament enacted and declared,
that the said Edmond Harvy, Robert Titchburne, Marke Held stye, Daniell
Taylor, and Edward Parks, the present Commissioners and Collectors of the
Customes are and shall be Commissioners and Collectors thereof, and by this
Act they the said Edmund Harvy, Robert Titchburne, Marke Heldesley, Daniell
Taylor, and Edward Parks, and their deputy and deputies by them to be authorized
under their hands and seals, are enabled to collect and receive upon account
all such sum and sums of mony, Which from and after the 21 of July 1649.
shall by virtue of the said Ordinance, or any Act or Declaration of Parliament
made since, be payable or paid for customes or subsidies, or otherwise, for or in
respect of goods or Merchandizes exported out of, or imported into the Port of
London, and all other ports in the COMMON WEALTH of ENGLAND,
dominion of Wales, or towne of Barwick, in such fort as the duties of
tonnage and poundage have been formerly collected by Samuell Avery Alderman
of London, and other the late Commissioners of the Customes, and in such manner
as by the said Ordinance, or other Acts, Declarations or Orders of Parliament,
and instructions as the said late commissioners received, or that the said
Edmund Harvey, Robert Titchburne, Marke Hildeslye, Daniell Taylor, and
Edward Parks, shall here after receive from Parl. or the Committee of Parl. appointed
for the Navy and Customes, or shall he by them ordered or directed.
And it is further Enacted and Ordained, that the said Edmund Harvy, Robert
Titchburn, Marke Hildeslye, Daniell Taylor, and Edward Parks, shall have the
same power and authority, and to do all Act or Acts, any thing or things whatsoever
that Samuell Avery; Christopher Pack, Richard Bateman. Charls Lloyd,
and Walter Boothby, or any of them, or any Customer or Collector for the Port
of London, or any the Out-perts, by Law, by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament
or otherwise might lawfully do. And it is further enacted and or dained, That
the Severall person and persons nominated and appointed since the three and twentieth
of Aprill now last past, or to be nominated and appointed by Parliament, or by
the authority thereof to keep a Checque in the Port of London, or in any other
Port, Harbor or Creek within this Common wealth, or to be Surveyor, Searcher
or Waiter within the said Port of London, or in any other Port, Harbor or Creek
within this Common wealth, shall respectively have the same power and authority;
And to do all and every act or acts, thing or things whatsoever, that any former
Comptroller, surveyor, Searcher, or Waiter of the Port of London, or any
other the said ports of this Common wealth, by Law, by any Act or Ordinance of
Parliament, or otherwise might have lawfully done. And it is further enacted
and ordained, That all Mayors, Sheriffes, Justices of Peace, Constables and all
other Officers, All Admiralls, Vice-admiralls, Captains and Commander or other
officers of ships; All Officers of the Admiralty, All Colonels, Captaines,
and other Officers and Soldiers of the Army, and of the Trained Bond of the Common
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