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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 315, 6th-13th August 1649 E.532[15]

Common wealth, and all other persons whatsoever be aiding or assisting to the said
Commissioners, their Deputies and Officers above said, in collecting, securing
and receiving the said Customes and Duties as above said, and in Suppressing all
[unr], Ryots, and other force that is or shall be had, or made against them, and
every or any of the them in the execution of this present Act, and all other persons in
their aid and assistance. And it is further enabled and ordained, that from hence
forth no Officer of Officers of the Customes shall take or receive from the Merchant,
or any other person, any moneys, by way of Fee or gratuity for any Certificate,
Bill or Conquet, or any other thing whatsoever, An in case they or any of
them, shall receive any Fee or gratuity, Contrary to this Act, upon proofe there of
they shall forfeit their places. And it is further provided and enacted, That the
said Edmond Hr y and the rest of the said Commissioners shall and may be removable
from the said Imployment, as the Parliament shall thinke sit and Order.
Letters from Scotland this day informe us, That Mr. Andrew Ramsey, and
Mr. William Colvell, two eminent Ministers in Scotland, who engaged against
England, are put out of the Generall assembly by the Kirk for being approvers of
the late engagement against England, and refusing to submit to a late act of purgation.
The generall Assembly are about a long Declaration, intentionally to indeavour
to work into the affections of England, and in the meane time have agreed
upon this Declaration concerning the receiving of engagers in the late unlowfull
warre against England to publike satisfaction as followes.
Edenburgh 20 July 1649 Antemeridiem Sess. XIX.
THe generall Assembly considering what great offence against God, and
scandall to his people at home and abroad, hath arisen from the late unlawfull
engagement in war against England, whereby contrary to the Law of God
and of Nations, contrary to the solemne League and Covenant, contrary to the
petitions of almost the whole Kingdome, contrary to the Declarations of the judicatories
of this Kirk, contrary to the protestations of a considerable part of the
Parliament, contrary to the frequent and clear warning of the Servants of God
in his name, not only in association in Councells and Armes, was made with Malignant
to the wronging the estates & consciences of many of Gods peopl in this
Land, the shedding of the blood of some, the losse and dishonour of this Nation,
and severall other inconveniences; and considering that the Commissioners of
the last Generall Assembly, have acquit themselves faithfully, in ordaining to be
suspended from the renewing of the Covenant, and from the Ordinance of the
Lords Supper, such as are designed in their acts of date the 6 of October and 4
December last, referring the further consideration and censure of the persons aforesaid,
to this present Generall Assembly, therefore the Generall Assembly for
removing of such Offences, and for prevention of the like in time comming; and
for It storing of such as are truly humbled, do declare and appoint.
1 That all those who have been guilty, and censured as aforesaid, and withall
do not by their addr sses to Kirk judicatories testifie their did ke thereof, and
give evidences of their Repentance therefore, that these be processed, and continuing
obstinate be excommunicated: But if withall they go on in promoting
malignant designes, that they be forthwith excommunicated, As also that all
such persons guilty as aforesaid, who after profession of their Repentance, shall
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