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Mercurius pragmaticus, N/A, 17th-24th April 1649 E.551[12]

Lies, nor empty Flourishes to vindicate or illustrate it.
Disturbers of the Publique tranquility find more Abettors then the
true Labourers for Unity; so palpably can Hipocrysie deceive, where
Integrity cannot fix perswasion; the Devill sometimes can appear like
an Angell of light, but it is to over-shaddow the simple with a cloud
of most grosse darknesse: Lilburn, and the rest of the Anti. Ar stocrasians
have mustered a multitude of witnesses to vindicate their innocency,
but they will prove but a cloud of testimonies at the best, to shelter
their villanie, till the sun of rightcousnesse disperse those vapours of iniquitie;
yet something appears as a more immediate effect of Devine
Justice (ever working its own Glory out of mens Ambitions) that
Petulancy and Impudence proves the scourage of Rebellion, and Tyranny,
that the grosser conducements of malignant exhalations may be
consumed of more agile and aspiring meteers: John, who hath washt
his hands to scourge, and but deliver up, whom they have Crucified,
becomes now their stone of stumbling, and rock of offence; and 'tis some
comfort to the afflicted, that revenge designs the work of third deliverance
for their Adversaries endevoires, the impetuous rage of the
multitude began our miseries, and themselves must now punish their
own insolvency, by their proposterous arrogancy.
Fret not, ye sonnes of sorrow, when ye see
Vengeance neglect t' accomplish your desires,
For Heaven will consummate your misery,
And but refine your Gold in their fierce fires:
So their devisions shall our concord sing,
And Traitors jars enthrone our gracious King.
'Tis punishment enough for a distempered Common-Wealth to refuse
the devine restoraiive of sacred Government; but'tis a torment to swallow
Vipers to purge out our bowels; 'tis dangerous to be secure in, but
desperate to pray for our distractions. Degenerating varlets, can yee
Petition to save a theese from the gallows, who intends to hang ye for
the curtesie; and supinely neglect to rid your selves of those iminent
dangers that menace you in his deliverance? Can ye honor that Idoll
of confusion with adoration and supplication to deliver ye a Barrabas;
and could yee cry out against your Soveraigne (Hee that suffered for
your transgressions) Justice, Justice? What must follow? but His blood
to remain upon you, and your deceitfull generations: O the desperate
wickednesse of a Tribe of Hipocrites, the imaginations of whose hearts,
the howlings of whose opensepulcher throats, & the iniquity of whose
right-hands, are only evill, and that continuall. Do ye think a sandya
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