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Mercurius pragmaticus, N/A, 17th-24th April 1649 E.551[12]

With twenty thousand Jack must be content :
Jack no p' are fitted, once ye hop'd to be
Above a Bishop, but the case you see
Is strangely alter'd, the Proverb I suppose
Hits you 'ith teeth, all cover, all must loose;
Purest Reformers, now I hope yee'l all
Be as week as Peter, when y' are as poor as Paul.
By Letters from the North of Ireland, this day it was reported to
the House that Coot is turned bitter, and mourns, fully condoles his
owne and Monkeyfaces losses and sad conditions, which for certaine are
irrelievable, the Scots daily take in, and secure all likely places of desence
in Ulster, and have besieged London Derry, with a considerable
Army, which is not likely long to resist them; those two Place[unr]ick
spirits, Owen Roe, and Oneale exasperate their persideous Adversaries
by their worthy atchievements ; Magnanimous Ormond sent a summons
to the Renegade Jones in Dublin, who faintly retorted a defiance
for fashions sake, but Ormonds speedy arrivall there, intended with
30000. select fighting men will make him cry pecavi.
Cur Sugamores this evening consulted how they might take their
great Prophet Everet, sometimes a Champion unto their holy Cause,
who for his perseverance in iniquitie, pretends to bee rewarded with
the gift of Lunacy, instead of Revelation, he and some 30. of his Disciples
intended to have converted Oatlands Park into a Wildernesse,
and preach Liberty to the oppressed Deer ; they have begun to plant
their colony with Hermits save, Parships, Beans, and such other castigitue
nourishment; but neverthelesse they intend in pure zeale to encreate
and multiply, if any of the Sisterhood but once resolve to relinquish
the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, and kennel with them
in their caves, which (in imitation of the 7. sleepers) they have dug
good store of, and like meek Saints intend to inherit under the earth
all the priviledges of darkensse, that their Revelarima may be freelier
inspired in Dreames from below; they are insolent in their Frensy, and
threaten the Country mens cattell, they intend to plough, and have
pulled down that barricade of tyrannous prerogative, the Parke-pale;
what this fanaticall insurrection may grow unto, cannot be conceived;
for Mahomet had as small, and as despicable a beginning, whose damable
infections have spread themselves many hundred yeares since, over
the face of halfe the Universe.
Apr. 18. This day the Speaker break forth into some passionate reproofs,
instead of gentler thanks givings, to those incendiaries of commotion that
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