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Mercurius politicus, Number 87, 29th January-5th February 1652 E.654[1]

The consideration of setling a course for Justice, for Customes,
and for Sequestrations, is in hand.
Argile gathers the monethly Assesments in his Countrey,
and puts them in his own purse; hee is laying his Levy
throughout the Highlands, and he hath done it as farre as
the bounds of the chiefe of the Macdonalds, and hopes to
get them all under his girdle: and for this end he useth this
Argument, That he will live and die with them for the gaining
for them like conditions with himself.
By the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Common-wealth
of England, for ordering and managing Affairs in Scotland.
THe Parliament of the ComonWealth of England, having
declared their Intentions concerning the Settlement of
Scotland, and appointed Us their Commissioners, to publish
and make known the same to the People of this Nation, and
to use Our endeavour, whereby the said Settlement may with
most satisfaction and speed be effected, and the whole Island,
through the goodness of God, brought to an happy and lasting
We do therefore by vertue of the Power on that behalf given
Us, Authorize and require you, to meet in some convenient
place within your Borough, and there to nominate
and elect one Person of integrity and good affection to the
welfare and Peace of this Island; which said Person so elected
with full Power on your behalf, for effecting the premises,
is to be with Us at Dalkieth upon the
day of
Given under our hands at Dalkieth
this day of 1651.
To the Burgesses, and Neighbours
of the Borough of
From Genoa, December 23. 1651.
The Gallies of Final that are come in this Harbour, with
the souldiers that were intended to be landed in Catolonia,
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