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Mercurius politicus, Number 87, 29th January-5th February 1652 E.654[1]

which makes the common People to murmur and surmise
the worst, that you have a minde to break with this State.
This is the common talk up and down these
Towns of Holland: many there bee amongst us
who desire nothing more then a breach between
the two States, but the wiser sort pray for a right
understanding between them. Wee hope our
Ambassadors wil be able to accomplish those ends
which they are sent about, or else we are like to
come by the losse if things should go otherwise
then well: Your Letters of Reprisall which you
granted to some of your ships upon our ships, as
you did upon the French, was at the first sound
very ill resented in general; but this last Post
hath very much pacified our minds, which hath
informed us of your calling them in again: had
you gon on in your resolutions, it would have put
us to a stand.
From Brussels the 2 of February.
For news from hence, here is nothing at present,
only that this Town is full of French men,
where is arived the Duke of Nemours, who is com
to command the Troops of the Prince of Condé,
to conduct them into France, with three thousand
Horse, which the Arch Duke hath let him have
for the service of the said Prince, who are to depart
from hence very speedily; and order is given
for the raising of 2 regiments more of Horse.
From the Hague, February 1. 1651/2.
Last weeks news of your Affairs, being as wee
heard of very dangerous consequence, did exceedingly
discourage the hearts of some of your
well-affected Patriots in these parts, fearing as
they supposed a very great alteration in your affairs
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