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Mercurius politicus, Number 87, 29th January-5th February 1652 E.654[1]

English Declaration, where by they may understand how farre our commission
28 will goe. Wariston and his Complices have given a Commission
to some privatly, to repaire to their dissenting brethren who stood for
the late Generall Assembly, to work them to dis-own it, an so to grow to an
Union among themselves. This now in managing, and the persons imployed
have already been with Mr. Robert Blayre, and Mr. James Wood,
with whom they have wrought so far, as to lay aside that Generall Assembly
but they would not yield to dis-own it. From them they are going
to Mr. An party to bring them off from their Scpa[unr]
Others are to goe to Mr. Robe[unr] Buik, to endeavour to work the like in
those parts. By this odd shuffling together, they thick they shall make
themselves the more considerable, so as to gain the better t[unr] of Indulgence
(if possible) for the upholding of that ambitions interest of
the Kirks spirituall, or rather carcall Kingdom.
Westminster, January 29.
The Parliament declared Major-Generall Lambert to be Deputy of
Ireland under the Lord Generall cronwell.
January 30 They passed an Act for execution of the judgement against
Lieut. Gol. John Litturne, as followeth.
Whereas upon the fifteenth day of January, in the year of
our Lord. One thousand six hundred fifty one, A Judgment
was given Parliament against the said Lieutenant
Colonel John Lilburn for High Crimes and [unr]meanours
by him committed, relating to a false, [unr]ous and scandalous
Petition heretofore presented to the Parliament by one
Josiah Primary of London, Leather seller, as by the due proter
dings had upon the said Petition, and the Judgement there
upon given at large appeareth: Be it therefore Enacted by
this present Parliament, and by the Authority of the same
That the Fine of Three thousand pounds imposed upon the
said John Liburn to the use of the Commonwealth, in the Judgement
aforesaid, shall be forthwith lenied by the process of
Law to the use of the commonwealth accordingly. And be it
further enacted, That the sum of Two thousand pounds
imposed by the said Judgement upon the said John Lilburn, to
be paid to Sir Arthur Hesilrige for damages, and the sum of
Two thousand pounds likewise imposed by the said Judgment
upon the said John Lilburn, to be paid to James Russel, towards
Winslow, William Molins and A [unr] Squib, in the said Judgement
named; that is to [unr], to each of them Five hundred
pounds for their damages, shall be forthwith pain accordingly:
And that the salt Sir Arthur Hesilrige, James Russel, Edward.
Wins[unr] William Marlings and Arthur Squib, their Crecutois and
Administrators, shall have the like Remeds and proceedings
at Lain respectively against the said John Lilbur, his Deira, Cro[unr]
Administrators and Assignes, for the Recovery of the
respective sums so given to them by the said Judgement, as if
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