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Mercurius politicus, Number 91, 26th February-4th March 1652 E.655[23]

had been inflicted by a judiciall Processe, had not so great a
party of the people been addicted to him and his wayes, and
opposed it; which opposition of men of corrupt principles,
being creatures and vassals of Lordly Interest, is usually the
cause in all cases of this nature, why Kings and continued
Powers are not to be attached, as well as other malefactors,
by an easie and ordinary course of justice.
In like maner we read, that the whole People tooke Amaziah
King of Judah, and put him to death for his Idolatry;
which seems by the words to have been don by judiciall process,
in a full Assembly of the People, and speaks much to the
honor of those who have had the courage to imitate so Heroick
an Act of Justice, by a solemn and serious Proceeding.
The like had been executed upon Joas the father of Amaziah
by a part of the People, for his murther and Apostacie.
Profane stories (both old and new) are full likewise to the
purpose. Romulus the first king of Rome, was for his Tyranny
cut in pieces by the the Senate; and Tarquin (their
last King) with his whole Family was cashiered, the Government changed,
by the same power, and upon the same occasion, Many years after
Nero the Roman Emperor, was sentenced to death by the Senate; but being
afterward cowed down by H[unr]liogabalus, so that they could not take the
ordinary course, they were fain to deal with the Soldiery (upon whose
strength he depended) to put him to death.
In France it is very observable, That the two Samour changes make there
in the Line Royal, depend upon Two such noble Pieces of Justice executed
upon their Kings; the first upon Childerick the third King of France,
who being judicially condemned in the Assembly of the People, the succession
was then cut off from the Family of Pharomord, & confirmd to the
race of Pepir; til Charls of Lorrain also, the last of Pepins race, was in like
maner punisht by Parl. and the Crown was translated to the successions of
Hugh Capet, who hold the same to this day; though 2 of this last Race also.
viz. Lewis 3. and Charls the Gross, have bin judicially proceeded against in
Parliament. And though the People, (for Reasons best known to Themselvs)
forbear to put them to death; yet they were burled alive, being mued
up within the melancholy wals of a Monastery, or closely confined within
the Castle of Orleans.
In Spain 100, we read of Suintilla, also of Don Alonso 11. and Don Pedro,
judicially proceeded against; The first by the fourth National Councel
of Toledo; The second by publick Act of the Estates of the Realm in the
Town of Valladolid and the third by the Estates of Castile; but all for their
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