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Mercurius politicus, Number 89, 12th-19th February 1652 E.655[6]

ten thousand, besides the Prince de Ligny that is fain into picardy! We
are still raising new Horse and Foot against the nex Spring. Since the
Duke of Lorain met with an oportunity to recover his own estate in
France, he is very slow in his Irish business: Besides the Scotish King
stands not in al points to his first Agreement with the Irish Commissioners,
which a little disrelisheth the Duke, though of late Charles hath endeaveured
by a particular express to give him satisfaction. Here are three lately
come from Ireland; one from Clanrickard; one from Muskerry; and one
from I know not whom; the first solicits Lorain for present succour to
be sent to Galloway; the second presseth for the County of Kerry in Munster;
and the third for slego Nothwards: But till Lorain work his ends
in France, and receive better satisfaction from young Charles, he will
not meddle with Ireland.
From the Emperors Court at Vie[unr]na January 29.
It is confirmed by the best intelligence of this Court, that the King of
Scots i rends to come into Germany, but will first send an Ambassador to
this Court. It is conceived also, that the said King will becom a profest
Casholick, at his arrival here in Germany; which will be the less admired,
it being considered, that a more zealous Protestant Pretender then he ever
was, by name Prince Ernest Lantgrave of Hossis, Uncle to Prince
William now in Cassel, with the Princess his wise, are now become also
declared Casholicks; so likewise is Count Truyas, a prime noble man in
Piussia, together with his whole Family.
Here is more probability then formerly, of the restitution of Frenkendale.
The Emperor is to have from the States of Austria for his present
wants, and especially for the next Diet 500000. Florens: The like
demands will be made in all the rest of his hereditary Dominions, who
will endeavour to satisfie him. The Turks do mightily infest the borders
of Austria and Hungary. The noble men appointed by his Imperial
Majesty, to go and consult with the Electors, about the time and
place for the next Diet, are ready to depart. Count William of Ronald
great Chancellor of Bohemia, Knight of the golden Fleece, and privy
Councellor, that was cast out of the Palace window by the Protestants
of Bohemia, died 81. years of age.
From Cracovia it appears by letter, that the Peace of Poland is not wel
grounded with the Cossacks, who are thought underhand to be in League
with the Turks and Tartars. It affirms farther that there are great troubles
in Poland, 30000. of the Nobilities part being in arms against the
King, supposing he was united with the Cossacks to make himself absoluto.
The Swedes arm space; there is. a strong Faction in Swedland among
the great Ones about the marriage of their Queen with the K. of Scots,
but the best part stand for her mariage with her cousin the Palatin Charls.
It holds also that a League is made between the French, Danes, Swedes,
and Portugal, or at least in agitation.
From Middleburgh, February 16 stilo novo.
We have news of Mr Lilburns being in this Town. Losers must have
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