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Mercurius politicus, Number 89, 12th-19th February 1652 E.655[6]

Paris the 17 of January, 1652.
The King being c[unr] to Saumur [unr] his Harbingers to Angels; which
place declared that the King would be very welcome, provided that he
should neither bring Souldiers [unr] Maz[unr] in, which being reported to
their Majesty, the King sent for the Officers of the Place to come unto
him, but they were bincred from going by the Duke ce Rohan Chabot,
who disposed so all the Inhabitants, that they unanimously resolved to
stand upon their own defence the castle being well provided with al necessaries.
Since that time the Court being come to la Fleche, Marshal
[unr] Ho quincourt was commanded against Angers with those forces the Cardinal
brought with him; he thought to have carried the Town at the
first onset, but he was so gallantly repulsed from the very Suburbs, that
he was fain to retreat, having left 4. or 500. men, and among others
his own son.
The Inhabitants are very unanimous, and resolved to stand for their
Liberty, being countenanced by the Duke of Orleans, who hath sent
for[unr]es to their relief; They have 800. stout Bretons in the Castle sent
by the Marquess de la Barre, besides abundance of Nobility. The Duke
of Rohan hath drowned all the Country round about for a better and
more casie defence, the Court is resolved to venture all before that place
because of the consequence of their reputation.
The Parliament of Rouen hath declared against the Cardinall, who
hath set at liberty M[unr] de Bitaut, one of this Parliament. All the Nobility
of Poictu declares likewise for the Prince. The Marquis de Sauvebeuf,
who was coming to Count de Harcourt with some Forces, hath been
totally routed in [unr]ettgord by Mr. de Balthasar, who took 100 of his men,
and all his baggage. The Citie of Perigneux hath willingly received a
Garrison of the Prince. The said Mr. de Belthasar hath likewise defeated
400 men of Mr. de Baron. The Prince of Conde hath taken at discretion
the Place of candecoste. 800 men are working without intermission to the
Fortifications of Bourdeaux. The Prince of Tarente hath taken 6 pieces
of Ordnance going to Count de H[unr]court, who Having endeavoured to
passe the Dordogne, and not being able to doe it, is returned to Xaintonge.
The said Prince of Tarents hath taken Soubise, and another place hard by.
The Parliament spent most part of this w[unr]k about Proviso's, in relation
to the Act of Oblivion.
The Committee for considering, of inconvenience in the Law, sit constantly
to make dispatch in that affair.
From Middleburgh, Febr. 16. We have news of Mr Lilburnes being in
this Town, he is since gone to Amsterdam.
There is newly Printed and published
The Soveraignty of the BRITISH Seas,
A Book worthy thy perusall in this juncture of Time,
to be sold by Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Arms
in St Pauls Church-yard.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1652.

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