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Mercurius politicus, Number 109, 1st-8th July 1652 E.669[16]

this Electors smal feats the last Summer against the Duke of
Nemburgh, argues him no son of Mars.
I may not omit to tell you, that our States have published
a Waer schowing, or warning to Merchants and Seamen trading
to the Westward, that they no more passe by the Hoofden,
or Head, for so they call the Cliffs of Dover and Call is,
but leaving that narrow Chanell where they must needs be in
danger of your ships, Ports, and Castles, they are now to
steere round the Orkneyes, and so not to touch your Coasts,
if possibly they can avoid it, which our men who well know
the convenience and sweetnesse of your Harbours, will find
to be an uncouth and far-fetcht passage.
Our Admirall Tromps about with three Squadrons of
ships of about 70. saile; whereof Jan Evertsz, Gideon de
Wildt, and Pieter Florisz, are Comanders in chief under him.
These are to secure our Coast and Trade with the Fishing, if
need be. Besides, witten Wittensz, who is attending upon
the East Indie Fleet, and hath with him 24. ships, alt these
being Tromps own printed List, with such as are coming in
to them, are 107 sail besides Fire-ships. In which paper also
among other orders, for their Posture, Watch, and Scouts,
this is given, That in case any one be attach't, and it be found
the next might have relieved him, and did not, that offend or
is to be punisht with death without mercy.
Now how ever all this, and much more lookes like Warre,
yet the contrary is hoped and prayed for by good Patriots,
among which he is one, who hath printed thirty Reasons,
so well Christian as Politick, why these two Republicks must
be good Friends.
From Col. Venables, at Belturbet in Ireland. June 17.
Having carried on our Fortification at this place, unto some
good forwardnes, Wee thought it fitting to be attemting upon
the Enemy, as our Intelligence should Guide us, and accordingly
Yester Evening, Sir Theophilus Jones was Defigned
with six Troups of Horse, and one of Dragoones, and about
three hundred Commanded Foote, which were judged sufficient
to bring in some Cowes (out men being in some want
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