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Mercurius politicus, Number 109, 1st-8th July 1652 E.669[16]

of provisions) and if any advantage offered it selfe to doe service
upon the Enemy; he marched all night and the next morning
the Enemy had notice of him, (they being forth upon
the same occasion with 1200. Horse and Foote) and striving
to gain a Passe betwixt they and home, got betwixt a Partie
of ours (that had some Cowes) and him; both sides finding
themselves prepared to fight, the enemy had the advantage of
higher ground, and numbers, ours of wind and sunne, the
Charge was very gallantly performed by the Enemy, who disputed
it with the swords poynt, and Push of Pike; But the
Lord who ever standeth by us in all out difficulties she wed
himselfe a Man of Warr, and by a third part of their number
(many of ours being abroade in parties) quite broke them;
there being about three hundred of them flayn, some prisoners
and Letters found with the dead assure us, that there was one
Colonell, one Lieutenant Collonel, three Majors and ten Captains
stain besides inferiour Officers. Wee hope this will much
discourage them, and cause them to disperse, however we desire
unfainedly to blesse god for the same looking upon it as
an earnest of a greater mercy, if the Enemy doe engage, as
they absolutely doe affirme they will we lost not one Officer
and onely one Lievetenant wounded, and Major Meredith
hath a slight scar on the Chinn, I cannot yet heare of one man
of ours that was slain, but above 60 wounded with sword and
Pike, both sides being to eager to fight that they had almost
forgot to fire. I forbear to name the gallantry of our Officers,
knowing they desire that God, not themselves might have the
Honour, besides all have deserved so well that I cannot name
any, but I must omitt others (except I name all) that have in
their respective places behaved themselves with Honour and
Gallantry. Sir Theophilus Jones and Major Meredith were
both engaged in the middle of the enemy, but both are come
off safe.
17, June: 1652.
I am Sir, your affectionate humble servant
Robert Venables
From Chorus in Scotland, June. 29.
I perceive, The Dutch, affairs fly high, and speak little else
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