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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

For, these Highlanders managed their designe
with much Treachery: They enticed our Souldiers
out to drink, unknown to their Captaines,
and by that means got many of them out of both
Garisons; and the Dragoons that were looking to
the Horses in the field were also surprised, but so
secretly, that the Garisons knew not of it. Only
at night they missed some of their men; and the
next morning they seeing the Highlanders to and
again, sent out two Files of men, to see if the
houses and rocks were clear; which two Files
were every man kill'd but two, by a party hid in
the Lord of Dunstafnage his House, his son being
chief in the Action; They kill'd 3. men more also
after Quarter: By which behaviour you may guess
the temper of this brutall generation.
From Roterdam, September: 20.
The Admirall de Witte hath order to make for
the Channell with 36 men of Warre, 8 Fireships,
and som Galliots, which are in all about 50 Sail, &
with these to joyn with Ruyter, to cope with Blake
and Ayscue, and scour the Sea for Merchants. To
this end they have ordred a repairing of those that
came from Shetland to goe out after them. There
hath bin a full meeting of the States of Holland, to
consult how to carry on the war, and provide Moneys
by new Assessments, which they know not
how to doe for fear of the people. The last ships
taken in the Channel by Blake & Ayscue, are valued
here at 40 Tuns in Cold: They were most belonging
to Amsterdam. There is talk again of the
K. of Scots coming hither, but there is but little sign
of it, since Holland and Zealand have agreed to lay
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